1.24.2025 Rest Is Productive Too...
The best restoration is SLEEP! Try it. You might like it. Training Run: 3 miles-fast Cycle: Commute Stretch/Foam Roll/Mobility for shoulders an hips Lat Pulldown (Wide): 4x12 Bentover BB Row: 4x6 C/S Row: 4x12 Straight Arm Pulldown: 4x12 Foam Roll the lats Cable Tricep Pushdown super set w/ Cable Curl: 3x100 non-stop Cycle: Commute
1.23.2025. Your Strongest Muscle
Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well!!! Training Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 20 minutes DB Front Raise: 4x12 Cable Fly: 4x12 Mini Band Pull apart: 4x15 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Shrug: 4x6 (yeah, really heavy) Cycle: Commute
1.22.2025 We're Still Putting Out At This Moment
I haven't received word on the end date of our coaching logs. So, until I do, or when Elite stops taking my writing, I'll continue to conduct business as usual. "Shit is hard; do it anyway" ~ Me Training Cycle: Commute. Boy-o-boy was it cold. I know I'm preaching to the choir for many of […]
1.21.2025. Today I Woke Up Thinking About The Power Of Words
We seem to disregard that we have one of the most creative and destructive tools that exist, our words. Words can crush or heal. They can encourage or shame. They can shatter or create. They can incite violence or peace, hatred or love, harmony or discord. Words can make or break a man, they can […]
1.18.2025 Make The Day GREAT!
I have always been on an early morning cycle of sleep/awake times. I like to jest that I get more work done by mistake before the sun rises than most people plan to do all week. So when the weekend comes around I don't "sleep in". My eyes pop open at 2:00 AM and my […]
1.17.2025 Nothing But The Training Today...
I want to write something that inspires someone or give you a tip to help you bust through a plateau, but I've got too much on my plate today. My sincere apology! Today's Training: Run: 3-mile Fartlek Cycle: Commute BOSU Sit-ups: 125 reps 45-degree back extension: 2x12 Cat/Camel: 2x10 Bird dog: 2x10 Barbell Bentover Row: […]
1.16.2025 The Weight Isn’t Easier; You've Gotten Stronger.
In the gym, the weight isn’t easier to lift; you get stronger. In life, events aren’t easier to handle; you become better equipped. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 20 mins. Bird dogs: 2x10 Dead Bugs: 2x10 Horizontal Woodchops: 3x10 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 Incline Cable Fly: 3x12; 1xAMRAP Stretcher Push-ups: 3x40 DB Lateral Raise: […]
1.15.2025 Circus Tricks, Brofessors and I Wanna Be Somebody...
I spend about an hour every day on the internet. I like to read about what's new and improved in the Strength and Conditioning field, politics, and sports news. I'll spend another half hour or so, staying in touch with good friends and answering questions on Messenger or email. Perhaps it's that I'm looking for […]
1.14.2024 Be yourself
People don’t have to like you and you don’t have to care. Mental toughness or strength is a part of ourselves that needs progressive development. You aren’t the same person you were five years ago, and you won’t be the same person you are five years from now. That’s why you must develop your mental […]
1.13.2025 Life Is Short...
Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Live truly. Laugh uncontrollably, and never admit to knowing anything about the bodies in the backyard. Training: Cycle Concept II Row: 15 minutes. It was supposed to be 25 minutes, but I get paid to coach, not row, so when people come in and need the rowing erg, I get […]
1.11.2025. Rally Point
After the news that the "Coaching Blogs" were being eliminated, I received more personal messages than I ever thought of people who read my stuff asking "What am I supposed to do?" Well, I do live in "Silicon Valley" home of high-tech (of which I am a Neanderthal) that has an abundance of brilliant people, […]
1.10.2025. The End of an Era
Well, it seems that this is the end of an era. How appropriate that we do this on my birthday. EliteFTS HQ sent an email stating that we will no longer have the "Coaching Log" as it has lost some of its pizzazz and luster over the years. It saddens me as I am sure […]
1.9.2025 Yes, You CAN Train Without Straining...
Sometimes you get caught up in busting ass that you think you need to train at that continued ass-busting pace. There is some volume, then more volume, and finally, the volume is so high you can't hear your body screaming for just a good training session. You remember? The kind that doesn't make you feel […]
1.8.2024 Two,Four, and Eight Weeks
In two weeks, you'll feel it. In four weeks, you'll see it. In eight weeks, you'll hear all about it. Training: Cycle: It's not bad at all today. It's warm enough for shorts and a long-sleeve shirt with a nylon shell over it. Concept II Row: 22 minutes GHR: 3x10 "Frog" GHR:3x10 Max Effort Deadlift: […]
1.7.2025. I Haven’t Changed.
I’ve learned! Training: Run: Fast 3 miles. It was fast because I had an unbelievable tailwind. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. When I turned around to head back home, they died just enough. Cycle: As I got ready to head into the gym, the winds picked back up and now (luckily) they were once […]
1.6.2025 Getting Older
As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two… I was pretty psyched to hear one of my participants has lost 60 lbs since she began last year at this time. Do the work, and reap the benefits. She has stayed disciplined with her […]
Should You Train When You Are Sick?
The age-old question, should you train when you are sick? Some say yes, others say no. Here's my take.
1.4.2025 10 Reasons You’re Not Achieving Your Goals
Here we are, day 4 and some folks are already floundering on their "New Year/New Me" bullshit. Why? Perhaps they (or you) are failing in one of these areas. Fix these things before you drop out of the gym you just paid a shit ton of money to join. Remember: Adjust, Adapt, Add weight or […]
1.3.2025. My Twenty Minute Rule
During the flu and cold season, people get sick. I have never made it an issue, even during the Covid fiasco, to make people stay home. However, for the sake of those around you, I have told people "If you don't feel well, stay home and rest. No one wants your disease". But how do […]