The Development of the Russian Conjugate Sequence System
Abstract: A significantly unique method of developing the strength of a nation through its population ignited the era of potent physical education program in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Victories were a reflection on the country, not on the individual. However, the demise of the Union in 1991 foreshadowed the end of the reign of athleticism.
Exercise Spotlight: Decline DB Press for reduced shoulder stress
The decline reduces shoulder stress while increasing pec recruitment
Concurrent Strategies in Strength Training
Regardless of your training objectives, key training parameters could be varied and progressed on different time scales
A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting
Powerlifting is a sport that is tailor-made for Block Periodization.
Are You Strong Enough?
Today, I’m going to talk about the maximal weight you can move. Better than that, how much you can hold if you let other people keep adding weight to the bar.