I was recently asked why I don’t write about all of my surgeries, all of my injuries, tribulations, wrecked relationships, etc. Since 2017, I’ve collected 13 pairs of those cool hospital socks and I haven’t made a post. Why?
First Week of New Program (4 workouts)
The first week of the new training cycle is completed and I'm re-energized. Nothing special. Just some simple, focused work.
Do you remember when you first fell in love with the Iron?
I have been doing this shit since before many of you could walk!
Happy Birthday to Orlando Barbell!
Thank you to all of you who have been, and continue to be a part of the OBB family.
A great way to finish off your triceps.
A great way to finish off your triceps or should I say THE BEST way to get more clicks?
How To Get Rid of Bicep Tendonitis
Joe and I discuss this issue while I can now clearly see my head has become a pumpkin.
2019 Training
SO far SO good! Busy as hell and just released newest book "Nutrition, Your Way" yestredays training -Boxing Line Drills Series -10 1 minute rounds on bag with 50 oz gloves -Cluster sets do 6 reps, rest 15 seconds repeat for 5 minutes -Cable Fly, lat pulldown, lateral raises, face pulls Today Jump Rope 30 […]
Is Dave still following Dr. Rusin’s protocol?
We took this opportunity to have a Q&A with Dave Tate and Dr. John Rusin to share their overall experiences with video series Fixing Dave Tate and Breaking John Rusin, and more. In this Q&A session, you'll learn the answers to these questions:
You can't achieve your goals if you don't even know how to set them.
Delegation Tips For 2019
You need to get rid of the idea that you are the only one who can do it and nobody else can do it better. This is pure BS! There are many people who can do it better.