Be different.
There are many ways you can “be different” and separate yourself from the rest of the pack, and since these are very easy to research, I will leave you with a couple to think about.
The Culture of Powerlifting
2018 has been the year of “culture.” If there’s one topic this year I’ve seen trending via articles, videos, and books this is it.
Heading Out For The Holidays
This will be the 21st Christmas letter I have written. There is no doubt of the gratitude I have for all of you and the support given to over the years.
APF Raw Power Challenge - Meet Report
Not a good meet, but sometimes you learn more from your failures.
Lower Body MxE Work Without Speciality Bars
Specialty Bars have a purpose and significantly increase the variations but are not "must haves: for the beginner or intermediate conjugant training.
3 Ways To Get Your Squat Skyrocketing
If you ain't squatting, you ain't lifting — and if you ain't squatting heavy, you ain't squatting. Here's how to do it right.
Conjugate Training Made EZ
Conjugate training is a method that brings together all aspects of training at the same time
6 Qualities Of A Great Training System
There are six qualities that set a great system apart from the rest.