Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Stop Trying to Be Perfect
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
My imperfections are what make me Today's Training: Run*: 3 mile Easy Cycle*: Commute Daily Incline Cable Fly: 4x15 Flat DB Fly: 4x15 Bench: 4x15 DB Supine Tri Extension: 4x15 Dip: 4x15 4-way Neck: 1x15 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10 Cycle*: Commute
The Importance Of A Handler At A Powerlifting Meet
The Importance Of A Handler At A Powerlifting Meet
What's the difference between a coach and a handler at a powerlifting meet? Read this blog and I'll tell you.
Nothing Fancy. Two Exercises!
Nothing Fancy. Two Exercises!
Whenever I put up two or three exercises you better count on it being f'n HARD! Remember it's about F.I.T. Frequency, Intensity, and Time. Since this workout doesn't take long, or is it wrapped around anything else, the Intensity needs to be HUGE. It's max effort after all. Major ques for this workout were to […]
"Don't Quit" Is a Poem That Hangs in My Gym
"Don't Quit" Is a Poem That Hangs in My Gym
" We all have moments in our lives when we feel like giving up. However, during these times of hardship, it can be helpful to remember the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Edgar A. Guest's famous poem "Don't Quit" has been a source of encouragement for many people over the years. This […]
Are You Crazy?
Are You Crazy?
Whenever I get asked if I'm "Crazy, Insane, or Nuts?" I simply reply, "Yup." That's it, End of discussion. Done, finished, complete! No need to continue. Today's Training: Run*: 3 miles Fartlek Cycle*: Commute Daily DB Lateral Raise: 4x12 DB Front Raise: 4x12 DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x12 Face Pulls: 4x12 4-way Neck: 1x15 Cable […]
December 6th, 2023. Kinesiology in 3 Seconds
December 6th, 2023. Kinesiology in 3 Seconds
There are two ways to exert your strength: one is pushing, and the other is pulling. That's how you train. You are either pushing or you are pulling. There is no need to complicate this. Today's Training: Run*: I got up extra early and couldn't go back to sleep, so off I went. 3 miles […]
12/5/2023  Do You Get Tired?
12/5/2023 Do You Get Tired?
I've been asked if I ever get tired. Do I overtrain? When is it enough? The answers I have are, yes, probably, and never. I've been doing this since I was 12 years old and I'm now 65 going on 66 next month. So for 53 years I've hit and missed with training, learning about […]
Stop doing these wrong!
These will LIGHT your traps up!!
Medial Head Meat Builders
Get Off Your A$$
Get Off Your A$$
Remember, the feeling you get from a good training session is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were training. Today's Training: Run*: 3 mile Fartlek Cycle*: Commute C/S Row: 4 RM Chin-ups: 3x AMRAP Barbell Curl: 3x5x's ok to put a little body english in it 4-way Neck: […]
Who Is On Your Coaching Mt. Rushmore?
Who Is On Your Coaching Mt. Rushmore?
It can be very difficult to tune out all of the social media noise. You can't listen to everyone. Who is on your coaching Mr. Rushmore?
12/1/2023 Why the Odd Number of Reps?
12/1/2023 Why the Odd Number of Reps?
I chose to do a bunch of odd-numbered reps as a training suggestion because... I'm not sure if it's the power of suggestion or that "I'm that good", but the high rep number and the weird rep were perfect as I planned. As the participant passed 30 reps the thought was, "This isn't so bad". […]
It Doesn’t Take an Ounce of Talent to Be in Shape
It Doesn’t Take an Ounce of Talent to Be in Shape
Bonus: Free Workout to get you in shape inside.
Try?  Risk?
Try? Risk?
"If you try, you risk failure. If you don’t, you ensure it." Today's Training: Cycle*: Commute Daily Dynamic OHP: 10x3 Hang Cleans: 10x2 Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x36-24-18 Shrugs: 4x10 Cycle*: Commute
Sometimes you must go to war with yourself to fix yourself.
Sometimes you must go to war with yourself to fix yourself.
"Self-improvement demands internal battles. At times, you must confront and overcome your own struggles to fix and better yourself." Today's Training: Run*: Fartlek 3 miles Cycle*: Commute GHR: 4x10 Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Box Jump: 10x2 Single Leg Step Up: 10x5 on each leg Reverse Hyper: 4x10 Daily BOSU Situp: 100 reps STRETCH and FOAM ROLL!!! […]
Spread the Floor/Separate the Bar; Squat/Bench Not Unlike Each Other
Spread the Floor/Separate the Bar; Squat/Bench Not Unlike Each Other
It doesn't matter if I teach the squat or the bench, the verbal cues are almost identical. When squatting I let the lifter know that I'd like him/her to push the floor matting apart. "Increase the seam" by extending the knees. "Spread the floor and push the hips back like you're sitting on the toilet". […]
Do This Instead of That...
Do This Instead of That...
"Do the work. Don't be lazy. Stop waiting around, the time is now. Rely on only yourself The Universe doesn't give a rip about YOU. Be practical. Winning isn't a theory Get stuff done early in the day. Don't dick around all day. Don't be a baby and for God's sake, STOP complaining about everything. […]
Your Actions Speak So Loud That I Can't Hear What You Say
Your Actions Speak So Loud That I Can't Hear What You Say
Rare is the person who actually does what they say they are going to do. I've made it a habit to be a person who actually does what I tell you I'm going to do even if it is at a cost of money or time to myself. I will tell a person that they […]

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