Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Dave Tate on Meeting Donnie Thompson
Dave Tate on Meeting Donnie Thompson
Watch: Dave Tate on Meeting Donnie Thompson
When It's Time To Step Back
When It's Time To Step Back
A Short Discussion
Bench Press Tips For Those Who Miss At The Bottom
Bench Press Tips For Those Who Miss At The Bottom
First, lack of reversal strength and speed. This is where the speed training comes in. If you have any type of explosive strength then you should never miss off your chest unless the weight is too heavy in the first place. Second...
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
WATCH: 5 Deadlift Cues with Ed Coan
If all you can do is crawl
If all you can do is crawl
start crawling!
Friday Training: Deadlift
Friday Training: Deadlift
Good finish to my semester. Looking forward to finishing this cycle and playing around for few weeks before I get back on an organized training plan.
Wednesday Training: Bench
Wednesday Training: Bench
Boring, yet effective workout.
Client progress update
Client progress update
Jason follows my Minimalist Method program design utilizing a gradually increasing range of motion for all three lifts and continues to steadily improve.
Training, Big Z Seminar and WPO Overview
Training, Big Z Seminar and WPO Overview
Wife did a great write up on the Big Z seminar at Growler's Gym in Canton Ga so not alot more to say on it. Check hers out for the training info write  up-she actually writes things down and remembers exactly his numbers and percentages! If you get a chance to see him or have […]
Be THAT person
Be THAT person
you know the one I'm talking about???
The resolve of a five-year-old kid
The resolve of a five-year-old kid
I will never forget, one day, walking down the hallway listening to the morning announcements. I heard something about a fire and donations for the family.
Groundbreaking New Study on the Safety Squat Bar Explained
Groundbreaking New Study on the Safety Squat Bar Explained
Video Log: Interview with Mike Lawrence, Co-Author of the New Safety Squat Bar Study Part 1. WATCH THIS!
Which way to the Beach?
Which way to the Beach?
Air sucks so arms we do.
Monday Training: Squat
Monday Training: Squat
Post-surgical Squat PR! No need to say more. Monday was a good day.
No Mirrors Needed
No Mirrors Needed
All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym. I’ve spent the majority of my training life in private gyms. 32 out of 36 years, I trained in gyms with no mirrors.
Training Updated
Feeling great! and goal setting
It's Hard to Beat a Person
It's Hard to Beat a Person
that never gives up.
Smelling like sh*t
Smelling like sh*t
Sometimes you need to be told how it is, with no filter, on stuff other than just technique or training. Number one on that list is when you stink.
Beast Fitness Radio's Podcast With Dave Tate
Beast Fitness Radio's Podcast With Dave Tate
Episode 193 welcomes Dave Tate to the podcast! Dave has been around the industry since the beginning and has thousands of articles, videos, and free content through EliteFTS!

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