Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Another unique exercise option with the Home GHR, Sissy Squats!
Another unique exercise option with the Home GHR, Sissy Squats!
There are machines specifically made for this purpose, but all you need to do is counter balance the Home GHR with some weight on the front, lock your feet in and it works great!
I can't believe how many people don't want to do this.
This Is What I Look Like Naked
This Is What I Look Like Naked
Including my DEXA Scan.
Week 13: 3 rep max week and a lesson in "too tight" wraps
Week 13: 3 rep max week and a lesson in "too tight" wraps
Time to peak for the APF Raw classic Dec 16
Sticking Points
Sticking Points
Since my first Powerlifting seminar in 1998, I’ve been saying that all of the sticking points are physical, technical, or mental. This can be expanded to social as well, or in most cases, some type of combination of them.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Kettlebell Triceps
DAILY MOVEMENT - Kettlebell Triceps
Jacked arms over here!!!
What Really Is An Elite Powerlifter?
What Really Is An Elite Powerlifter?
What is an Elite Powerlifting Total?
Chaos Training
Chaos Training
All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym: It’s a technique that allows a lifter to train and overcome a bad situation, so if it happens, they are strong enough to recover.
The Gambler
The Gambler
"for a taste of your whiskey, I'll give you some advise" ~ Kenny Rogers
Lead Yourself
Lead Yourself
If you always have excuses and reasons why you're in the position you're in, well you will keep finding excuses.
5 Things You Need to Do During Your Training
5 Things You Need to Do During Your Training
I say it all the time, everybody loves lists. Here’s another one.
Look fear in the eye.
Look fear in the eye.
If you don’t, you will never overcome it.
I am sure you get told this all the time.
I am sure you get told this all the time.
This lead-in is something I often see in messages sent to me or others when they're being thanked for helping and giving back or receiving gratitude.
How’s that for some perspective?
How’s that for some perspective?
Sometimes what you think and feel is so right, that it’s wrong. Meanwhile what you fear and are scared of could be exactly what’s right.
"There...I lobbed your bloody arm off..."
you didn't...a mere flesh wound" ~Monty Python
"Who Moved My Cheese?"
"Who Moved My Cheese?"
This 30 second read will cover the Book entitled....
School Days
School Days
Face down on the ground, my entire body covered in grass, mud, and blood, I found something in myself that I didn’t have the day before.

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