Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Monday Training: Deadlift
Monday Training: Deadlift
Deadlifting, Squatting and a few experiments. Good day in the weight room.
Friday Training: Squat
Friday Training: Squat
Another week in the books and a new toy showed up, so it got used immediately.
The Pros and Cons of Specialty Bars w/my 1 min. video breakdown
The Pros and Cons of Specialty Bars w/my 1 min. video breakdown
Since I have extremely tight shoulders from years of heavy benching I’ve had to opt for various specialty bars to alleviate shoulder discomfort
Supplemental Movements 101
Supplemental Movements 101
Regardless if you train using Block Methods, Western Linear Methods, Undulating, Concurrent, or any other type of training method, supplemental movements are usually involved.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Iphone Lateral Raise
DAILY MOVEMENT - Iphone Lateral Raise
Iphone...kyphosis...get it?!?!?
So Sorry...
So Sorry...
As we come into one of the most popular Powerlifting meet times I feel this is a great reminder to put out
Reader Write-In: Working on Weaknesses
Reader Write-In: Working on Weaknesses
A question from a lifter looking to break some records – and why it's a great one.
Conduct yourself
Conduct yourself
as if...
WARNING: Not training related
WARNING: Not training related
As passionate as I am about lifting, I am as if not more, passionate about our furry four legged friends.
Speciality Bar Programing with Dave Tate & John Meadows
Speciality Bar Programing with Dave Tate & John Meadows
Have you ever thought about this?
Yet another Video Log: Secrets to a StrongLife
Yet another Video Log: Secrets to a StrongLife
Murph does Spartan??? Not really.
It's Never As Bad As You Think But Can Always Get Worse
It's Never As Bad As You Think But Can Always Get Worse
All I Needed to Know About Life, I learned In the Gym. Embrace the bad to find the good.
When One Door Closes
When One Door Closes
another one opens...
Training Updated
Training Updated
Feeling and performing great!
APF Southern States Meet Recap w/full results added
APF Southern States Meet Recap w/full results added
We had numerous first time competitors including a few from the Orlando Barbell Team.
Wednesday Training: Deadlift
Wednesday Training: Deadlift
Heavier weight vest and Deadlifting - not a great combo.
Training and get Rocked up...
Training and get Rocked up...
First day back after rock blades seminar for two days.  Bit of stress the last week leading into this seminar.  It is business and people related. My coping mechanism has normally been to fly off the handle and be reactive instead of proactive. Well that part did not really change too much but it has  […]
Someday I will...
Someday I will...
We will prepare with all we have. We will perform to the best of our ability, and we WILL prevail.
Miscellaneous Gems
Miscellaneous Gems
And other random notes

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