4 Rules for Offseason Dieting (For Real This Time)
2018 was full of ups and downs for Ben, but he’s back in 2019 and getting bigger than ever. Follow him as he preps for the US Open, plans to qualify for a national-level bodybuilding show, and continues to SFW and GFH! In January, you can expect more on combining powerlifting and bodybuilding using the conjugate method, diet advice, and
Week 6: Isometrics wk3
I won't lie. This program has been tough and very challenging. The aspects of triphasic have made it twice as difficult. Now typically in a conjugate style program, you pick a second exercise (supplemental movement) to build on the main movement. What we've been doing is keeping the movement the same and just adding an […]
Three training lies and half-truths that are seldom explained and will NEVER die.
Just Because It's Heavy
All I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym.
Just because it's heavy.
MEET REPORT - I Totaled Pro!
I made it through my first full meet in over 20 years and lived to tell about it.
Dave Tate and Ed Coan Coach the Squat at Omaha Barbell
Dave Tate and Ed Coan Coach the Squat at Omaha Barbell
Video update of my Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri's, Deadlif...
I've found that CJ is better off reinforcing his motor pattern with the full movement each week
Where Trials Never End
I almost saw the weight room as the cause of keeping me from dealing with the things I avoided and, in some ways, this may have been true. What I was to learn, however, was that the gym was not an escape from things, but actually, an entrance into the world of reality as I knew it.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Barbell Stepped Out RDL
Building Function and Strength...one leg makes it functional right???