Why Mastermind Groups Are Stupid
The best lifters never imitate all the practices of other lifters. They take what they feel they can use and disregard the rest. Very few do this in business because it takes risk and realism, two things missing in most business owners.
Have we have been programmed to feel otherwise?
Sometimes "Good Enough" is Good Enough
The best exercise to accomplish a certain goal isn't always the best thing to do.
Training and can you smell what the Rock is cooking....well no, I can...
9/19 Activations with band and boomstick 6 laps sled. This is the first training I have done simce having minor sinus surgery last Wednesday. It was a elective surgery to trim excess tissue in the passages that have added to my numerous yearly sinus infections. After my last almost three week bout, my ENT took […]
What's the difference between a lift off and a handout?
I needed to know about life, I learned in the gym. The difference between a lift off and a handout.
Monday Training: Bench
Good start to the week. Rain from the hurricane on the Atlantic, cancelled 6am lift I wasn't notified about and it's Monday.
We still have spots available for our Orlando Barbell APF Southern State...
We hope to see you there!
What's Your Why?
Motivation, performance, and purpose all go hand-in-hand. If you're lacking in one area, chances are, you're not too strong in the others, either.
The OBB Power Handles and Home GHR are back in stock!
Due to the increase in steel tariffs I had to put the sale of these products on hold until I could either find a new manufacturer or workout a new price. They’re now back in stock.
"What I'm seeing, Why It's Wrong" #2- Flaring the bench
Flaring too much, why it happens and how to fix it.