Beyond The Platfom Podcast 49 - Dave Tate
In Episode 49 we talk to Dave Tate owner of Elitefts. Elitefts is what got me into strength athletics and to pursue my career as a coach so having this opportunity to talk to Dave was truly amazing.
Hyper-Trophy Wk 1-2: And back to having a training partner
If you don't think having training partners does anything, then you've never had a good one.
Best Ways To Improve Technique/Progress Without a Coach
Best Ways To Improve Technique/Progress Without a Coach
Training and the 7 Granddaddy Laws
My training---the 7 Granddaddy Laws (training program constitution)
Waiting for that special time, that ah-ha event to make your training great and sent it into the stratosphere. The times that you can look back at years from now and say, "Remember when?" The times you are lifting in right now ARE those times, IF you make them so. Here is what we mean.