Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

2023 Goals, 2 Down 2 To Go, Sort Of...
2023 Goals, 2 Down 2 To Go, Sort Of...
Since I have stopped seriously competing in powerlifting I have been setting annual goals to strive for. Here's my progress so far.
To Lose Fat, Slow Down!
To Lose Fat, Slow Down!
Most of us see commercialized fitness with people drenched in sweat, with hard glistening bodies, and grimacing with the badass effort they are putting into it to look Afuckingmazing!!! The truth is to lose FAT! Mind you, I said FAT and not training your heart, lungs, and oxygen delivery system, you need to SLOW the […]
Live Your Life, Forget Your Age.
Live Your Life, Forget Your Age.
“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were?” ∼ Satchel Paige If you don't find time to exercise you will find time for illness and injury. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Daily 8: Clean the gym* Mop the floor* Chin-ups: 25x3 Dips: 25x6 Cycle*
It’s Hard In The Beginning
It’s Hard In The Beginning
It’s very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat others. Eventually, you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Daily 8: Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 35-25-15 Face Pulls: 4x15 CABLE pull-a-part: 4x15 Shrugs: 4x10 […]
"I'm Hub McCann"  I Got Pulled Over (again) 10/18/2023
"I'm Hub McCann" I Got Pulled Over (again) 10/18/2023
I ride my bicycle instead of driving a car. It's for the most part, really good for me as it corrects my attitude while heading into work. I open the gym at 4:30 AM which means I start my commute at 4:00. California is known for its horrible traffic as well as driver, but at […]
10/17/2023  It's Just one of those days...
10/17/2023 It's Just one of those days...
"It's just one of those daysWhen you don't wanna wake upEverything is fuckedEverybody sucksYou don't really know whyBut you wanna justifyRippin' someone's head off" ~ : William Frederick Durst I am normally a fairly upbeat person. Even without coffee in the morning, I wake up and am ready for the day and its challenges all […]
Never limit where your training can take you. I mean that in the sense of trips and travels and who you will meet and become friends with, spiritually, and of course, physically. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle*: Commute Daily 8: Prowler: 12x80 yds Run: Sprint: 12x40 yds GHR: 4x8 RDL: 4x8 GHR: Again 4x8 Cycle*: […]
Deload Days Versus Deload Weeks
Deload Days Versus Deload Weeks
It was always hard to know when to deload from training. This has changed dramtically for me over time. Here's what I am doing now.
A Person With Experience is Never At the Mercy of Anyone With a Theory.  10/14/2023
A Person With Experience is Never At the Mercy of Anyone With a Theory. ...
Every so often a new group of exercise experts will come along. They will be featured on some of my favorite podcasts or they will show up in the news (Respected pages I will add) to bring about the newest and latest GREAT WAY of training. Yep, these people will tell you of the success […]
"Hey Coach, Can You Give Me A Workout?"  10/13/2023
"Hey Coach, Can You Give Me A Workout?" 10/13/2023
I work five days per week. I'll work as many hours per day as necessary to make sure every one of my participants is safe and clear of the instructions that I give them. So when one comes to me and asks, "Hey coach, can you give me a workout or the workout I missed […]
The Best Deadlift Cue Ever
The Best Deadlift Cue Ever
Minimize injury risk and Deadlift more with one cue.
Most Of Us Train Not Because We Want To Live Longer...    10/12/2023
Most Of Us Train Not Because We Want To Live Longer... 10/12/2023
People who don't workout sort of look down on those who do, claiming they’ll go to any length to live longer. I don’t think that’s the reason most people train. Most of us train not because we want to live longer, but because we want to live life to the fullest. It’s far better to […]
It Ain't Cheesecake Anymore...
It Ain't Cheesecake Anymore...
Let's say you want to bake a cheesecake. The first thing you do is find a good recipe to follow. That recipe calls for many different ingredients like sour cream, cream cheese, flour, milk, sugar, vanilla...I don't know maybe a few other things but let's focus on perhaps the "sugar" The recipe calls for two […]
Can I give more?  10/10/2023
Can I give more? 10/10/2023
Ask yourself: Can I give more? The answer is usually: Yes So DO IT! Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle*: Commute Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time Blast Strap Row: 50 reps Pushups: 50 reps Back Extensions: 3x8 4-way Neck*: 1x8 Dynamic Effort Bench: 10x5 (yes, five. It was a lot more challenging than I […]
Footprints Fade Away. 10/9/2023
Footprints Fade Away. 10/9/2023
You can replace (or add) the word run with "training". “I run because long after my footprints fade away, maybe I will have inspired a few to reject the easy path, hit the trails, put one foot in front of the other, and come to the same conclusion I did: I run because it always […]
Are You Training Too Hard For Fat Loss
Are You Training Too Hard For Fat Loss
I know it sounds crazy and counterintuitive, but can training too hard slow down your fat loss goals.
Guilt and Worry. 10/8/2023
Guilt and Worry. 10/8/2023
When I see people upset or frantic, I remind them that guilt and worry are useless emotions. Think about it. If you are going to feel guilty about something you did, don't do it. If you are going to have that same feeling because you left something undone, go back and complete it. As for […]
GRAB LIFE Before it Grabs YOU!
GRAB LIFE Before it Grabs YOU!
Over the years I have had countless success stories. I've helped people get to the next level of play in their chosen sports. I've gotten high schoolers to the collegiate level as well as college kids to the pros in many different sports. I've given guidance to even more people in weight loss, weight gain, […]
10/6/2023 The Feeling You Get From a Good Workout
10/6/2023 The Feeling You Get From a Good Workout
The feeling you get from a good workout is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were working out. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle*: Commute Blast Strap Row: 50 reps Pushups: 50 reps 45-degree Back Extension: 3x8 Chinups: 10x3 super set w/ Dips: 10x6 DB Lateral Raise/Super Set with DB […]

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