My Special Olympian Athlete, CJ Piantieri, Squatting w/video, 5 Weeks ou...
The issues are that; it’s hard to judge depth while spotting and CJ often either stops when he believes he’s at depth
Training and NY, NY big city of dreams..
After my fiddy b-day party, the surprise trip was to NY City(NY City!, yes the el paso salsa commercial) We had never been to the city in our travels so this was a very pleasant surprise. At first she told me to pack for 75 to 80 degrees so I sorta guessed South Beach again […]
Conjugate: Week 6- Heavy front squat and taking life as it comes
I'm glad my training is allowing my life to be flexible.
5/29 Stem Machines, TENS Units, Muscle Stimulators: Effective or Not?
Stem Machines, muscle stimulators, TENS units, are very popular in the at home self rehab scene. They are easily accessible, cheap, depending on the unit you purchase, and if used appropriately can decrease rehab time and increase recovery. However, there are some misconceiptions and misuse with this tool so i thought i would clarify if […]
Vacation Training, current shape, and rehab tip!
Just getting back into the swing of things at the clinic after 10 days in beautiful North Carolina. I was able to get in some decent training at a golds gym in Asheville NC, which was a far step from the small mountain gym that we usually go to. On our way back we were […]
As powerlifters, as powerful individuals it is always the right time for those who have power to protect those who do not.....Here is what we mean....
Conjugate Week 5: Project Athleticism continues
This month the "What I'm Seeing and Why It's Wrong" series continues. This project gives technical quick fixes that are applicable to the masses. You'll also find the progression of the experimental program Christian Anto and I are creating — a combination of conjugate elements with triphasic. So far, the success has been good and you'll start to see
On top of this making me feel good about myself, I actually learned something.