Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

C&C log 3: Is it really your shoulders that are F#$*!ed ?
C&C log 3: Is it really your shoulders that are F#$*!ed ?
In my opinion the most complicated joint in the human body. A joint that requires stability, mobility, end range control is one that can be deeply misundertstood.  Often times the difficulty lies within understanding the multiple joints that comprise the shoulder. Gleno-humeral joint: Ball and socket. Think golf ball sitting on a T Scapulothoracic complex: […]
War Wagon - Episode 2
War Wagon - Episode 2
How to get sport coaches to stop doing dumb SH!t with their athletes!
Big...No HUGE Recommendation
Big...No HUGE Recommendation
and this is a MUST try
DAILY MOVEMENT - Bent Supinating Dumbbell Row
DAILY MOVEMENT - Bent Supinating Dumbbell Row
Get your string tank, fanny pack and zubaz out for this one!
3 Things That WILL Make You Better in the Gym & Life
3 Things That WILL Make You Better in the Gym & Life
Learn from adversity to become your very best. When you do this, you will beat those with better genetics, skill, and talent because while an IRON WILL may not make you the best in the world, it will make you better than those who quit.
One Day Your Going To Look Up From Your Phone...
One Day Your Going To Look Up From Your Phone...
and realize your kids put you in a Nursing Home.
Week 3: Post meet training (2/3)
Week 3: Post meet training (2/3)
Moving along with training and rehab.
Spring Football
Spring Football
Spring Football Training
Post-Vacation Training (2 Days)
Post-Vacation Training (2 Days)
Getting back to my training.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Blast Strap Iso-Obliques
DAILY MOVEMENT - Blast Strap Iso-Obliques
Quick effective addition to your lower body warm-ups.
Turns out you don't have to actually run to be able to run.
War Wagon Episode 1
War Wagon Episode 1
War Wagon Episode 1 - Training Content for Your Commute!
Should You Squat Low or High Bar?
Should You Squat Low or High Bar?
It's a trick question: I believe you need to use both in your training, or else you're selling yourself short.
Training Updated
Training Updated
Some great training!
If you had to...
If you had to...
what would your's be?
DAILY MOVEMENT - Straight Leg Groin Crunch
DAILY MOVEMENT - Straight Leg Groin Crunch
Abs and hip flexors - get some blood in your psoas.

Items 5121 to 5140 of 10222 total