C&C log 3: Is it really your shoulders that are F#$*!ed ?
In my opinion the most complicated joint in the human body. A joint that requires stability, mobility, end range control is one that can be deeply misundertstood. Often times the difficulty lies within understanding the multiple joints that comprise the shoulder. Gleno-humeral joint: Ball and socket. Think golf ball sitting on a T Scapulothoracic complex: […]
DAILY MOVEMENT - Bent Supinating Dumbbell Row
Get your string tank, fanny pack and zubaz out for this one!
3 Things That WILL Make You Better in the Gym & Life
Learn from adversity to become your very best. When you do this, you will beat those with better genetics, skill, and talent because while an IRON WILL may not make you the best in the world, it will make you better than those who quit.
Should You Squat Low or High Bar?
It's a trick question: I believe you need to use both in your training, or else you're selling yourself short.