Back Update
Six weeks ago I had a low back flare up. I wrote a log about it. Here's the update on my progress.
8/25/2023 You Get to Choose From One of Two Menus Every DAY
Every morning you are given two menus to choose from. Menu A gets you up before the alarm rings, and has you attacking the day's objectives with vigor. You snowball throughout the day gaining momentum and accumulating victory after victory. NOTHING can stop you. Menu A callouses your fragility and fortifies your honorable morals and […]
My Special Olympic Coaching Seminar, part II, Proper Spotting Technique
A couple of weekends ago I gave my third Special Olympic Coaching Seminar. Since this information applies to all lifters and coaches I thought it would be beneficial to post it. Originally, I was just going to post the entire seminar, but realize there are numerous parts to it, so I’m going to break it […]
8/24/2023. You Have To Start Somewhere (every damn day)
Not every day do you wake up ready to take the world by storm. Nope! Some days you need a longer warm-up. Perhaps some cold water on the face (better yet, the whole body). On other days, you may even postpone the endeavor to come back the next and tear it up. Just know that […]
8/23/2023 GET UP...
Get up before the alarm. Hell, I haven't used an alarm in almost thirty years. Just GET UP! Get up brush your teeth and splash some cold water on your grill. The toothpaste will rid your mouth of that nighttime stench and the cold water will kick the sleep spores out of your pores. Get […]
8/22/2023 The Rest Is As Important As the Stress
We work hard in my program. No! I mean it!! We work our asses off, and in doing so, I advise people to rest with the same intensity as the workout. Working out is actually catabolic, or in other words, "breaking the muscle or system down". It's when we STOP that the body acclimates to […]
8/21/2023 Choose your steps carefully...
What you do, and what you say will have a profound effect on the least likely of individuals. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever Cycle AirDyne: 15 mins GHR: 4x15 Shrugs: 4x15 GHR: 4x15 (AGAIN) Medium Band Pull-throughs: 4x15 Dynamic Deadlift: 20x1 Cycle
Mature Meathead Advice - Partying and Sleep
Public Service Announcement. You can't work hard and play as hard as you used to.
My Special Olympic Coaching Seminar
I’ve now been coaching my Special Olympic athlete, CJ Piantieri, as well as other athletes at the National meets, for over 14 years. Since my expertise and experience are in the field of strength training, I have the ability to give back by teaching other coaches as well. This past weekend I gave my third […]
8/18/2023 “Focus more on the people..."
“Focus more on the people who inspire you than the people who annoy you. You’ll get much further in life” Today's Training: Cycle AirDyne: 15 mins Shrug: 4x10 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 DB Front Raise: 4x10 Dynamic OHP: 10x3 BB Curl: 4x10 Cable Pushdown: 4x10 DB Concentration Curl: 4x10 DB Supine Tricep Ext. : 4x10 […]
Congratulations yet again to my clients and friends, the 76 year old dyn...
Judy and Davey Reed had yet another great day at the AWPC Worlds in Louisiana! .Here are Judy’s best lifts, a bench of 57.5 kgs/126.8 lbs and a deadlift of 105 kgs/231.5 lbs, both of which were World Records! Here’s Davey’s best deadlift of 150 kgs/330.7 lbs which was a World Record as well! Thank you […]
8/17/2023 In a world full of fish be a shark
With the love I have for the beach and ocean, I am constantly reminded of, When you enter the ocean you enter the food chain, and are not always at the top. Same as it is with weight training. It depends on where you train. "If you're the strongest guy in your group, you might […]
8/16/2023 The Pre-Exhaustive Max Effort
If you have noticed over the past few sessions I have switched things up a bit. Instead of getting the main course first and then doing accessory and supplemental work, we have pre-exhausted the movement by doing accessory and supplemental work completed first. Understand, we are not in a competitive mode where we need to […]
7/15/2023 Shoulder Relief
Yep, I bought it. It was guaranteed to alleviate pain in the shoulder after 40 days of use. There's a handle with a short wire "string" attached with four different weighted balls that you use each for ten days before moving up to the next heaviest. There is also a "traction" to be worn at […]
8/14/2023 Yes, It's Hard
Today's workout has a specific order. Follow it as it is written! By the time you get to the RDL, you'll have pre-exhausted the posterior chain sufficiently enough that it won't require a TON of weight. After all, if it were easy everyone would do it. Today's Training: Cycle Prowler: 10x80 yds GHR: 4x12 Suspended […]
OBLF - How And Why I Lost Weight On Vacation.
There was a plan to mitigate weight gain on vacation, but I did not plan on losing weight. Much like many things in life, God laughs while man plans.
8/11/2023 When Discipline Works Over Being Motivated
This morning I felt like I didn't want to cycle to work as I normally do, so I chose to drive my car. I didn't! I rode my bike. This morning I walked into the gym and saw it a mess and felt that I needed to teach the night crew a lesson and not […]
8/10/2023 Grounding? Nah...I Just Couldn't Afford Shoes
I totally dig it when some new guy comes along shouting from the rooftops the virtues of going "Barefoot". Quite frankly, I've been doing it for years as most of my peers can attest, and why? No not because it: I went barefoot because I was so broke at one point in my life I […]