Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

I Need More Rules Than A Gremlin
I Need More Rules Than A Gremlin
Without rules there is chaos. At this point in my life, my body completely agrees with this.
9/15/2023  WHAT?  Me in Shoes???
9/15/2023 WHAT? Me in Shoes???
Anyone that knows me, knows that I've been barefoot for the past 20-some-odd years. Originally it wasn't because I was a "naturalist" or a minimalist, I was flat-out BROKE and couldn't afford to keep changing expensive athletic shoes. So, I opted out of wearing any and it became a "thing" with me. I was barefoot […]
Old Man Conjugate: Be a Good Student
Old Man Conjugate: Be a Good Student
You never know what you’ll learn.
9/14/2023  I Train...
9/14/2023 I Train...
Replace the word "run" with "train" and you get the real gist of this quote as far as I am concerned. “People sometimes sneer at those who run every day, claiming they’ll go to any length to live longer. But don’t think that’s the reason most people run. Most runners run not because they want […]
9/13/2023  Someday...(not Sunday, duh)
9/13/2023 Someday...(not Sunday, duh)
Someday you won’t be able to do this. Today is not that day! Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever: Day 1 Ball 4 Cycle C/S Row: 4 RM Chin-ups: 3xAMRAP Barbell Curls: 3x5x HEAVY 4-way neck: 1x15 Blast Strap Row: 50 reps Pushups: 50 reps Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12 Fat Bar Dead Hang: 30 seconds Cycle
Be True to Who You Are
Be True to Who You Are
I went from a team sports background and preparing for them, to an endurance athlete in the mid 1980s thru 2000. On my way home from the third Ironman, I was waiting for some friends at a place of libations, when I got "moved out of the way" (I weighed a romp'n 165 lbs). I […]
9/12/2023.  Don't wait until tomorrow to start
9/12/2023. Don't wait until tomorrow to start
Don't wait until tomorrow to start. Get it done yesterday. You have some gifts that others need. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever: Day 10 Ball 3 Cycle AirDyne: 15 min Floor Press: 3 RM GRIND out the three reps! Fat Gripz Zig Zag Bar Skull Crusher: 7x8 Single Arm Incline DB Chest Press: 6x10 Face-pulls: 4x15x […]
9/11/2023  The Frustrating Thing About Coaching Dynamic Lifts.
9/11/2023 The Frustrating Thing About Coaching Dynamic Lifts.
I LOVE Dynamic lifts. The Bench, the Squat, and I include Deadlifts, AND Speed Pulls are easier to actually coach while the loads are still light. The issue is, the loads don't STAY light. We ALL get into ego lifting, even on days that require us to haul the weight up quickly and ballistically. If […]
Boulder shoulders incoming!
Great lower body warm up or finisher!
LAT-tastic!! Grow some wings!!
9/8/2023  1000 Rep Arm Day  18" Arms or Bigger
9/8/2023 1000 Rep Arm Day 18" Arms or Bigger
I don't allow sleeveless shirts in my program. It's just one of those things I started when a high school team I coached came in with tank shirts and the sleeves were used as headbands. I asked the team what was up with that look. They answered that it was a "tradition for seniors". Considering […]
This is a great warm up or finisher!!
9/7/2023 Dominate and obliterate
9/7/2023 Dominate and obliterate
Pre-game speech #2 *(that I can remember) Dominate and obliterate the opponent (use the other school's name here), and approach this game with backbone and not wishbone. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever: Day 6 on Ball #3 Cycle AirDyne: 5 mins steady; 15x10/50 DB Lateral Raise: 4x15 DB Front Raise: 4x15 DB C/S Rear Delt Raise: […]
Owning a Gym
Owning a Gym
Open a gym they said. It’ll be fun.
9/6/2023  When All Else Fails...SQUAT!
9/6/2023 When All Else Fails...SQUAT!
The other day I ran sprints. I normally run 10x100 on a Monday but sometimes I get a wild hair and will do something in excess. Like 20x100; barefooted. It was a nice day and I've done a lot more stupid things in my past than this. Anyway, after I finished and about two hours […]
9/5/2023  Don't Show Weakness...
9/5/2023 Don't Show Weakness...
As a Strength and Conditioning Coach for some GREAT Head Coaches over my career they have always let me give a pre-game pep talk to the players before heading out to the field or ice. When we won (which was more often than not, Thank God) I would write down what ever I shared with […]
Stick To Your F'n Rules!
Stick To Your F'n Rules!
Setting rules is a way to keep myself from complete and catastrophic bodily harm. I try to stick by them. You should too.
9/1/2023 Don't wait until tomorrow to start.
9/1/2023 Don't wait until tomorrow to start.
Don't wait until tomorrow to start. Get it done yesterday. You have some gifts that others need. Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever DB Lateral Raise: 4x8 DB Front Raise 4x8 Shrug: 4x8 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x8 BB Reverse Grip Curl: 4x8 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12 BB Curl: 4x8 Cable Pushdown: 4x12 Blast Strap Row: […]
3 Hours of Awesome
3 Hours of Awesome
Full seminar video inside.

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