DAILY MOVEMENT - Colley Press Band Set Up
Take some pressure of your anterior shoulder. "Slow motion fo me..."
Sprinters Fall 4 Week Jump Progression - First four weeks of school
Example of how to progress your jumps lane. BOING!
1/26- Box Squats and Modified Belt Squats w/videos
I’m debating getting rid of our decline and either getting a flat bench that adjusts to decline as well to help prevent people from potentially having to wait for a bench, or instead getting a belt squat machine.
Some Day's I WANT to Be A Bit Negative...
How are you going to know the pinnacle when you travel a few valleys?
Jack Your Back
Why your back needs to be jacked for the 3 lifts. With some of my favorite accessory exercises to get it Huge(er).
I tied my shoes all my myself!
1/23- Swiss Bar Benching and stuff
I'm still using the Swiss Bar to reduce the stress on my shoulders. Combining it with chains is ideal for this.
DAILY MOVEMENT - One Arm Bent Dumbbell Row
Contra-lateral anti-rotational isometric explosive core power. (Clicks for days on this one!)
1/22- Deadlifts w/video
Even though I had to use cheater straps, I felt relatively strong today. My weight is still down and I'm old(er), but I'm not broken.