DAILY MOVEMENT - Reverse Hyper Rows to Stomach
Reverse Hypers are way more versatile than just holding your gym bags and doughnuts!
As we move into the last days of 2017, rapidly approaching the New Year, the crew at the Monster Garage Gym takes pause to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and present you with a little gift.... Check it out.
12/12- Bench
I still have a long way to go to put my strength back on, but at least I feel I have the ability to do it now.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Seated Weighted Foot Slam Box Jump
These were usually used as a precursor to actual plyometrics in order to help the lower leg prepare for the impact forces we would later place on it.
12/11- Deadlifts w/video
Everything felt decent today, but I miss when the weights all felt light. I’m still hoping that feeling will come back, hopefully sooner than later.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Close Stance Box Squat
The cues are very similar and the execution is typically easier than wide stance. The intent is exactly the same, SFW!
When failure becomes success.
It has been 13 weeks since my last infusion, these are my pains, or lack thereof.
A Christmas Gift to You: Free 8 Week PR Crushing Powerlifting Program + ...
Includes adjustment for Holiday interruptions in training!
DAILY MOVEMENT - Shoulder Saver Speed Bench vs. Mini Bands (slow Ecc.)
You don't always have to have a fast eccentric on speed work. What's your current priority?
12/8- Just Squats w/video
I’m working on a more detailed post with an update on my health issues, but things seem to finally be improving.