DAILY MOVEMENT - Banded Belt Squat for Time
This was NOT a good time to be a four or eight hundred meter runner in our program!
"Things I've Learned"
"I’ve learned- that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I’ve learned- that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be. I’ve learned- that you should always leave loved ones with loving words.It may be the last time you see them. I’ve […]
Coaching: It's hard to go along when you know they're doing it...
The joys of coaching. It sucks when you have to answer to people.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Spread Eagle Sit Ups
YES, it is OK to incorporate your hip flexors into your abdominal training...that's how they work in real life!
Should Powerlifters do curls?
How's that elbow pain, forearm pain, shoulder pain? Did you tear a bicep? Do you think curls might have helped? Let's look deeper and see what might be going on.
If you have more recovery tools in your bag than belts and wraps, this blog is for you.
12/6- Back and Bis and yep, another unique exercise with the OBB Power H...
This was the first time I’ve tried using the OBB Power Handles on a straight bar for biceps.
The not so Top Secret, secrets that successful powerlifters include in their training. ...THE SCRAPS. Here is what we mean.
How Much Money Do Powerlifters Make?
I am sure many won't like the answer to this but it's about time people stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.