Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Fun Ideas for Holiday Shopping
Fun Ideas for Holiday Shopping
But take Caution here
So, I did a meet. + Video
So, I did a meet. + Video
But it was Bench Only. Does that even count? And, yes, I made weight!
Last week with some guests
Last week with some guests
Nothing beats the camaraderie of high level lifters, all pushing each other, breaking balls, and making each other better.
DAILY MOVEMENT - Wide Stance Goodmorning
DAILY MOVEMENT - Wide Stance Goodmorning
You need the pressure out on your feet.
11/20- Deadlifts w/video
11/20- Deadlifts w/video
Everything went well today.
Outlined Back and Bi's *VID
Outlined Back and Bi's *VID
Although every training day cant be heavy squats, deadlifts and bench presses, the intensity doesn't drop.
Training Updated
Training Updated
Jailhouse workouts and meet powerlifting legend Doug Furnas!!!
Thank You, Powerlifting
Thank You, Powerlifting
You took my hips, shoulder, identity, heart, and soul. But it's ok.
Fun Things to Do While Holiday Shopping #33
Fun Things to Do While Holiday Shopping #33
As the cashier runs your purchases over the scanner, look mesmerized and say, “Wow. Magic!”  "Res Firma Mitescere Nescit" which means a firm resolve does not know how to weaken or as they said in the movie... Once you get it up, keep it up!   Today's Training: Pull Ups: Use weight assisted or a […]
DAILY MOVEMENTS - Chest Supported Cambered Bar Row
DAILY MOVEMENTS - Chest Supported Cambered Bar Row
ANOTHER back variation. Take away message: it's important to train back.
#34 Fun Things to Do
#34 Fun Things to Do
To avoid the ho hum of Holiday shopping
Holiday Fun Idea #35
Holiday Fun Idea #35
and that pesky Quad tear.
NOV Meet
NOV Meet
Awesome deadlift day at Wendler's this weekend.
Training Day 3: Squat
Training Day 3: Squat
Squat PR 3 days before my NOV Meet with Wendler.
We won, but I don't think I'll get called to World's Strongest Man anytime soon. Probably more like World's Most Mediocre Senior.
Pushdowns??? That's cute.
Old School Westside Flashback Stories
Old School Westside Flashback Stories
I'm always asked about old WSBB stories so here you go.
Why Mobility Sucks for Gaining Muscle
Why Mobility Sucks for Gaining Muscle
It's not enough to be able to move a lot. You have to be able to move well.

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