Daily Movement - Lateral Lunge
You have to force your knee out on these to have a chance at getting depth.
Conditioning and Getting Old
I did some bike riding like a gerbal on a wheel on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm not sure if I mentioned, but two games ago I got "bumped" on the sidelines and it reaggravated my pinched nerve in my neck, bringing back all the fun. It rained yesterday and everything hurt so I opted for […]
Trainin and Moody Blues
Plan was to wind it down training wise and begin to move parts with the gym matting on 11/1 and then for next two weeks move into the new gym with the biggest push being the middle of the month and be rockin and rollin' before Thanksgiving leaving me only the old gym to clean […]
Mini Hypertrophy lesson #2: Shoulders
During this current phase of training I'm doubling up on shoulders and only hitting back 1x week. This alternates every 4 weeks because those are my two weakest body parts (in comparison). My first shoulder training day of the week is all about density and intensity. Goal: cram as much as I can in the […]
Training Updated
Here is the last week been super busy so here is what I did Saturday (Recovery workout 50 yard tempo run up hill, 25 push ups, walk down, repeat for 30 minutes) Sunday (boxing line drill, 10 1 minute rounds balls out on the heavy bag, with 45 second rest...........staying as active as possible on […]
Upcoming Goggins Force Events!
Dirty South Powerlifting Championships and IPL World Powerlifting Championships will be here before you know it. Register today!
Introducing an Entire Team to Conjugate Training- Week 3
Week 3: You will feel like you're making some progress. This week or week four is usually when you start to hear "I really like this training", "My knees don't bother me", "My shoulders don't hurt benching"...
Daily Movement - Inverted Row
I believe these were called fat man rows Circa '03(ish) Elitefts exercise index