Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Goggins Force Training Facility is Now Open!
Goggins Force Training Facility is Now Open!
The new facility is an absolute dream come true. You're invited to the open house this upcoming Saturday.
Ah Friday…
Ah Friday…
Harry has worked with hundreds of athletes over the last 40 years. He currently is the Gym Teacher at the Combat Sport Academy in Northern California. Think of his log as troves of wisdom containing treasurable perspectives on life with training splits — a blend of personal and client programming.
There Is A Fine Line
There Is A Fine Line
There is a fine line between being transparent or as people call it today, "unfiltered" and being an Asshole. Careful what side of that line you are aligned with   Today's Training: Bench Press: Work up to 155 in reps of 10. Once five sets of 10 @155  Women use: 50-55   Incline Chest […]
4 Quick Elbow Pain Fixes
4 Quick Elbow Pain Fixes
Elbows jacked up from benching & squats?
DAILY MOVEMENT - Banded Dumbbell Bench
DAILY MOVEMENT - Banded Dumbbell Bench
Force your athletes to press their dumbbells correctly.
Getting in Touch with My Feminine Side?
Getting in Touch with My Feminine Side?
NOT ME...I have a wife and lot of hot female friends for that.
Not sleepin'
Not sleepin'
With the finishing date for the new building looming in the next 4 weeks, my old meet prep focus returned. I forgot how zoned in I get and how my attitude gets tight and short. I zip in on what needs to be done and it is very hard to pull away unless things are […]
DAILY MOVEMENT - Shoulder Clean
DAILY MOVEMENT - Shoulder Clean
No, not a dumb bell hang clean.
How to Use Knee Wraps to Squat 800 Pounds
How to Use Knee Wraps to Squat 800 Pounds
How to choose and use the right knee wraps (with video).
The signs are pretty obvious
 DAILY MOVEMENT - Speed Squats Out of Straps/ Chains
DAILY MOVEMENT - Speed Squats Out of Straps/ Chains
You can cuss Donnie Thompson out after you try these, not me.
Lows, Hi's, Legs and life
Lows, Hi's, Legs and life
Life, legs and some good tips for hack squat leg development!!!
Last two days updated
Last two days updated
Training updated
The scary truth about what’s hurting our kids
The scary truth about what’s hurting our kids
an article that summarizes what I've been saying...
DAILY MOVEMENT - Banded Skull Crusher Pushup
DAILY MOVEMENT - Banded Skull Crusher Pushup
Great tricep move for group settings.
10/11- Bench
10/11- Bench
I was starting to think that I may have an underlying injury.
Off-season: Some heavier straight bar work for bench and squats
Off-season: Some heavier straight bar work for bench and squats
Feeling some heavier work again then few more weeks of off season before meet prep starts

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