Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

7/26/2023 The Basics Work If You Work the Basics
7/26/2023 The Basics Work If You Work the Basics
I keep researching the BEST strength and conditioning programs in the nation. Year after year, I keep coming up with the Best TEAMS usually have the best S&C programs, and what is it about those programs? They work the BASIC principles of Strength and Conditioning until the athletes become proficient in all areas of the […]
7/25/2023  My Shoulders Hurt All The Time
7/25/2023 My Shoulders Hurt All The Time
Because I'm noticing a constant "BURN" on both my shoulders I wonder if anyone else on my team does as well, so I am adding a few warm-up exercises based on some "therapy" gadgets I've seen recently. Holding the arms out to each side, do tiny arm circles from the shoulders (of course) both clockwise, […]
A tip in my Business eBook that I wish I had used
A tip in my Business eBook that I wish I had used
Location is crucial.  As you often hear; location, location, location.  The vast majority of your customers will come from within a five-mile radius.  It makes sense to make the effort to find the ideal location.  Ideally, you’ll be able to find a five-mile radius with no other similar businesses as well as other high traffic […]
7/24/2023  "Napalm Son.  Nothing Else In The World Smells Like That..."
7/24/2023 "Napalm Son. Nothing Else In The World Smells Like That...
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like VICTORY" ~ Col. William Kilgore Everyone knows that quote, but the clincher for me was when he turned to the young soldiers around him while he was in his squat position and then says remorsefully, "One day this war is going to end." […]
How I Deal With Trouble Sleeping
How I Deal With Trouble Sleeping
Sleep is the most underused and underrated method of recovery. Here are a few tips that have helped me get the most out of my sleep.
Take your DB rows to the next level!
These are LAT-tastic! V-taper, son!
Back Jack and shoulder health in one exercise!
Boost your bench and shoulder health!
Congratulations to my buddy Orlando Barbell’s Matt Wallace!
Congratulations to my buddy Orlando Barbell’s Matt Wallace!
Congratulations to my buddy Orlando Barbell’s Matt Wallace who competed in his first meet at the APF Summer Siege on July 1st! Matt squatted 265 kgs/584 lbs, benched 227.5 kgs/501.6 lbs and deadlifted 250 kgs/551.6 lbs. The only lift Matt missed was his third attempt bench due to a mis-groove.  He definitely has more left […]
7/21/2023 July's 1000 Rep Arm Routine.   Procrastination
7/21/2023 July's 1000 Rep Arm Routine. Procrastination
You can sit on an idea, or a responsibility and say, "I'll get to it later". You can put your training on until after you get whatever HAS to be more important than you, over with. You can wish and want; want and wish BUT... Remember this...It wasn't raining when Noah built the Arc. Today's […]
The Most Important Part of the Squat
The Most Important Part of the Squat
You can’t finish right if you don’t start right.
7/20/2023  Happiness vs. Success
7/20/2023 Happiness vs. Success
Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get! See how easy that is? Today's Training: Run: 3.1 easy miles Cycle: Commute Squat: 4 Rep Max GHR: 4x12 Hack Squat: 4 Rep Max Ab Wheel: 4x12 Cycle: Commute
7/19/2023  We've Gotten Too Smart For Our Own Good
7/19/2023 We've Gotten Too Smart For Our Own Good
I was reading one of my favorite EliteFTS Coach's posts on the internet yesterday where he stated "The older I get the less I feel I know", and that triggered me into one of my unmedicated tirades. There seems to be an abundance of super mega-minded Exercise Specialists that can detail the fuck out of […]
7/18/2023  "If It's To Be..."
7/18/2023 "If It's To Be..."
You've heard it, "If it's to be, it's up to me". Never has a statement been so true. When things need to get done you can take the bull by the horns and direct it or you can wait for someone to take charge (and that could be a very long time). I adopted a […]
Congratulations to my client and buddy,12 year old Dean Harris!
Congratulations to my client and buddy,12 year old Dean Harris!
Congratulations to my now long time client and buddy (I’ve been training him since he was 8) Orlando Barbell’s now 12 year old Dean Harris who competed at the APF Summer Siege at I-4 Fit on 7/1/23.  He squatted 62.5 kgs/137.8 lbs, benched 35 kgs/77.2 lbs, and deadlifted 85 kgs/185 lbs (missing only his 2nd […]
7/17/2023  Do You Want to Lose Fat?
7/17/2023 Do You Want to Lose Fat?
What a stupid question. YES, everyone wants to lose fat, so how do we do it without losing the muscle we put on while "bulking"? I'm not going to go into all the detail but IF you want to lose fat that is stored in your body without losing the "gains", AND you don't have […]
Repeat After Me, I Will Not "F" Up My Back!
Repeat After Me, I Will Not "F" Up My Back!
Another back flare-up. What's new? Maybe, just maybe I can be smart enough not to blow it up.
7/14/2023 Your Impact On Others Is Bigger Than You Think.
7/14/2023 Your Impact On Others Is Bigger Than You Think.
Someone still laughs at the funny thing you might have said. Someone still smiles at the compliment you gave them. Someone quietly admires you and the way you get things done. That bit of advice you gave someone, changed their life. The support you offered made that person's day. Your opinion has made others think […]
Overshooting RPE
Overshooting RPE
It’s a problem.

Items 561 to 580 of 10222 total