Weird ideas
With the finish of the three months of prowler and constant demands of the building construction and day to day ops of the empire(ha ha) , my desire for training has waned some so the idea of five minute sets sounded interesting. For one I have never done them and second to see if all […]
The Ten
10/1 Few activations and 5 min set of long ab straps pulldowns 9/30 Activations 5 sets of reverse hypers 10 laps of light prowler in 1 hour 30 mins 9/29 Activations Three laps prowler with two light heavy, one no weight , one walk it off. Not any easier on the recovery but breathing was […]
10/2- Deadlifts and Accessory w/videos
If you have shoulder issues and difficulty squatting the OBB Power Handles are a great, relatively inexpensive, option.
Successful geared lifters know that RAW lifting training cycles in addition to their geared work serves to give the geared lifter more bang for their equipped buck. Here is what we mean…..
Goggins Force Deadlifts from October
Here are some of my favorite pulls from Goggins Force over the month of October. Good job Team!
Why Mobility Sucks (and What's More Important)
Unless you’re into some truly extreme sex stuff, your hips don’t need a 360-degree range of motion. Here's what to focus on instead.