Aquatic Bulls - Men's and Women's Swimming Fall Training Block...
Strongest swimmers in the conference! We can go do what you do, you can't come do what we do.
9/6 Light activations Reverse Hypers 4 x10 prior and 3x12 post with new single leg hyper straps. I generally use the reverse hyper as a warm up and loosing exercise. The single leg straps change the dynamic of the movement. Think I posted on this a couples weeks back. Anyhow, nice added hamstring and glute […]
Off season training: Doing things I've never done (training and lif...
Benching 135x20 and Deadliting 225x20... and I'm doin' alright.
Wake Up! Injuries Are Part Of The Process
Don't let anyone tell you any different- injuries are a part of the process. It's not a question of if, but when. What happens after that is up to you,
Some random things and some training
9/5 Activations Three laps prowler light. Broke my land speed record by 1 min and some change. 20 mins 9/4 Light activations Rope pullovers 10x10 Jumpy neutral grip pullups 4x5 Buffalo bar press with softee pads 5x3,2x2 Suspension strap planks Dumbbell obliques 6x8 per side Prowler 3laps with slightly more weight. No PRs today. Just […]
8/29- Raw Bench and treating inflammation
I have been competitively powerlifting for over 20 years. Within that time I have competed raw, single ply and multi ply. I hold the highest all time total of 1930 at 148, the third highest total of 2045 at 165 and have broken over 35 world records, over 25 of which I still hold. Through […]
There's no magic answer in here, but these five keys got me into the best shape of my life.
The final two bench workouts prior to the competing, in this case, in the AWPC RAW World Powerlifting Championships are a great indicator with regard to how you peaked or didn't properly peak for the meet… is a closer look.
8/28- Raw Deadlifts w/video
It’s been just about 4 weeks since my hernia surgery and recovery is going well.
Training and 909 Deadlift
GREAT Training and the 900 Deadlift barrier cracked in route to 2260 by Steve Johnson