Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

A Case for Dynamic/ Speed WORK Using Speed Squats and Pulls
A Case for Dynamic/ Speed WORK Using Speed Squats and Pulls
An excerpt from the upcoming ConjugateU book. The Dynamic Chapter. Get tons of work in, bring up weak areas, increase mobility and increase power output! Seems like a no brainer!?!
7/18- Raw Bench
7/18- Raw Bench
My joints felt decent today.
Rule #69 Be Specific
Rule #69 Be Specific
Leave no rock unturned.
My Westside Story
My Westside Story
If you couldn't make it there for at least two years, you have may have trained at Westside, but you weren't "Westside".
Dave Tate's Presentation at Syracuse Strength Seminar 2006
Dave Tate's Presentation at Syracuse Strength Seminar 2006
Interesting to hear how some things have changed since 2006 and others are still the exactly the same. Many issues we blame today on social media were still issues before.
Rule #68 Be More Intense
Rule #68 Be More Intense
Intensity for the immensity.
The beating is all how you take it..
The beating is all how you take it..
7/28 Activations and plank/bird dog work Two laps heavier  with prowler and one lap walk with some high stepping and breathing work. Close to the 30 days of daily prowler. Weight has dropped to the 225lb so far.  Gotten down to 223lb so far but would call that water.  Still shooting for the 220lb number […]
Embrace the Culture
Embrace the Culture
Don’t piss all over it. OR: Put Your Effing Phone Away
You will change your entire life with this one
7/17 SQ and Bursitis sucks
7/17 SQ and Bursitis sucks
Squats and bursitis go together about as good as oil and water mix. Here's how I plan to manage it.
July Training Roundup
July Training Roundup
Some opportunities I'm taking and some I'm passing up.
Rule #66  Don't Be Predjudice
Rule #66 Don't Be Predjudice
Be like Gunnery Sgt. Hartman from "Full Metal Jacket"
PSA: Does your powerlifting coach know what they are doing?
PSA: Does your powerlifting coach know what they are doing?
Several items to look into and a couple others to think about.
Rule #65  It's Not The Deal You Get
Rule #65 It's Not The Deal You Get
It's the deal you THINK you get.
7/17- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis) and Dropping Dead
7/17- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis) and Dropping Dead
I had no idea how serious my symptoms were until now.
Bench Press Wars
Bench Press Wars
Excellent training day!
7/24 Activations , extra work on quad with bird dogs and light planks Standing Tsunami lat bar pulls to chest with band mixed with Bell one arm row. 10x10 tsunami bar-Bell rows 10x8 Same Tsunami bar set up and did push downs and pull overs 8x8 each Rigged up a old trap bar upside down […]
Rule #64  Don't Ask The Question
Rule #64 Don't Ask The Question
You don't want the answer to.

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