Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Top 10 Pieces of EliteFTS Strength Equipment
Top 10 Pieces of EliteFTS Strength Equipment
We get asked a lot. Here’s a handy guide.
Rule #51  Guilt and Worry
Rule #51 Guilt and Worry
are useless emotions
Slamming The Bar - Gen X Lifters
Slamming The Bar - Gen X Lifters
One thing Gen X powerlifters need to understand about today: at no time in the sport have the lifters had as much control as they have today. They have more control than they even know.
Westside Vs The World Is Now GLOBAL!
Westside Vs The World Is Now GLOBAL!
Westside Vs The World is an in depth documentary look into the world's strongest and most notorious powerlifting gym: Westside Barbell.
Trap Bar Deadlift Training
Trap Bar Deadlift Training
Training update on my quest for mediocrity.
Founder & CEO of Elitefts Dave Tate – Absolute Strength Podcast Ep.59
Founder & CEO of Elitefts Dave Tate – Absolute Strength Podcast Ep.59
Absolute Strength Podcast Ep.59. Topics: Business, Social Media, Powerlifting and Outfitting a Gym.
7/6- Squats w/video and a hernia update
7/6- Squats w/video and a hernia update
I sometimes wonder why we have insurance at all
Clients kicking ass and I ain't too far behind
He has a chest full of military decorations, a shoulder full of titanium and 8 combat deployments in the middle east….but all that said, he prefers simply to be called, “the day guy.” ….Here is what we mean.
latest and hatest
latest and hatest
7/11 15 mins rower, ya rower, was checking it out to make sure it was in working order and said f it, why not. super boring but different enough Activations with 120lb BT gut  and quad roll/static for 5 mins each Two hand swings for time.  Rounds of 2 mins, 3 mins, and 2 mins. […]
When motivation escapes you....
When motivation escapes you....
Training can be a chore when you hit a slump... don't let it linger
A Strength Coach’s Guide To Success & Strength Training with Dave Tate of EliteFTS
A Strength Coach’s Guide To Success & Strength Training with Dave Ta...
Dave takes us through his experiences as a strength coach, the mission of EliteFTS, and his secrets to success as a strength-training professional.
My Training
My Training
My Training and some more ramblings.
Football Training Week 8
Football Training Week 8
We have a few more returning players back on campus.  Not nearly enough, but a few more.  Their workouts will remain the same with a few slight changes. They do the 3-Set Progression instead of the 4-Set.  The idea is as we get closer to camp I need to keep their legs fresh.  With an […]
Rule #48  You'll Never Be as Young as You Are Now
Rule #48 You'll Never Be as Young as You Are Now
Stop Waiting for the time to be "right"
This has been on my lifting to do list for the past 10 years or so.
July 4th Benching
July 4th Benching
The 705 felt good in my hands. My lockout was a little uneven because I didn't do a great job in keeping my upper back tight, but I did get both elbows to lock.
PL offseason: Moderate work with accommodating resistance
PL offseason: Moderate work with accommodating resistance
aka... bands and bands and more bands

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