Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Goggins Force Customized Training Plans
Goggins Force Customized Training Plans
Powerlifting legend Steve Goggins wants to make YOU stronger.
Rule #19 Limit your media time.
Rule #19 Limit your media time.
This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.
Slamming The Bar - Self Entitled Pricks!
Slamming The Bar - Self Entitled Pricks!
A great coach will never have to BRAG how good they are. Their results and athletes will speak for them.
Training and check up
Training and check up
6/5 15 mins stepmill Activations and  side plank work 6 rounds of side Tsunami bar chest pull, underhand rows and straight arm pulldowns 12 sets Fat bar bench Several sets working up to a 315 single and a couple of down sets Bell incline press 3x12 Shoulder Rok 3x 10ish per side 6/4 Walked 2 […]
WESTSIDE VS THE WORLD - Documetary Update
WESTSIDE VS THE WORLD - Documetary Update
It's rare that a week will go by where I'm not asked about the status of this documentary. I've put together a collection of relevant links below for those who have been asking.
When should you stop giving away information for free?
When should you stop giving away information for free?
Are you sick of all the stupid questions? What about that one person who just NEVER stops? This is what you get paid to do, right? Where do you draw the line?
Meet Report: USPA Naturally Fit Games & American Record Squat
Meet Report: USPA Naturally Fit Games & American Record Squat
I fell short of my goals, but an all-time American record and three meet PRs isn't a bad day.
Football Week 3
Football Week 3
This will be their heaviest week, thus far.  They'll use 80% as their top set for Squat, Bench and Trap Bar.  They'll take their top set for a Rep Max.  Their results will have no effect on their Training Max.  I just want to get an idea of where they are and let them have […]
June 5th
June 5th
Yesterday we had the squad hit heavy band tension with 70% weight on the bar for 6x1.  We had a groupcome in on Sunday and others are coming in today.  Love the progress everyone is making for the July 8th meet in Tenn.  we have 6 lifting at the meet and a lot going to […]
Dave Tate Returns To Powerlifting!
Dave Tate Returns To Powerlifting!
Powerlifting Illuminati Confirmed!
It is going to be really weird to see the first number on the scale to read as a "1"
 Women's Basketball - Post Season Training 2016 - 3rd wave
Women's Basketball - Post Season Training 2016 - 3rd wave
"Wait...5 minutes on each exercise??!!"
Records are made to be broken, and when you break all of them in your class, that is a fairly rare accomplishment. But sometimes just getting to and through the meet is the real achievement….Here is Part II of World Records and Afro-Puffs….
Rule #17 Look People in The Eyes
Rule #17 Look People in The Eyes
I've said nothing is as important as the person in front of you.  See Rule 7. To that end, I always look at the person I am having a conversation with in the eyes. The eyes are the windows of the soul. When I am talking to a person, and I capture their gaze, I […]
The WSM 2017 Controversy Explained!
The WSM 2017 Controversy Explained!
You Asked, I Will Answer!
5/30- Benchin
5/30- Benchin
Never give up.
5/29- Deadlifts w/video
5/29- Deadlifts w/video
Although I still have a long way to go, this is the best my deadlifts have gone in a while.
Football Week 2
Football Week 2
Week 2 of football workouts

Items 6281 to 6300 of 10222 total