Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Rule #16  English Motherfu@Kers
Rule #16 English Motherfu@Kers
Do you speak it? (Pulp Fiction reference)
Training updated
Training updated
Training my martini & some Rob Hall, Off-Season Training
So, This Prep is Getting Tough
So, This Prep is Getting Tough
But I will get it done.
Do you know your own brain?
Do you know your own brain?
Can knowing differences between men and women, young and old really help your coaching?
Rule #15  Dress Codes
Rule #15 Dress Codes
yes, they are different for men and women
6/1 15 mins stepmill Activations. Reverse Hypers 4x8 Kb work 5/31 Activations and ab work 6x12 Reverse Hypers 6x10 total Rack pulls/hook grip 405x3,495x1,585x1,635x1, 495x1,405x5. Grip held well to kept rolling with it.  The video with Clint Darden's hook grip tip has been very helpful.  If are struggling with the hook, take a look at […]
Cambered Bar Box Squats
Cambered Bar Box Squats
I worked up to a single with 505. It was tough. I may have had a small jump in me but since I'm not training at full intensity yet, I decided to leave it be.
Rule #14   If You Want To Make Changes In Your Life
Rule #14 If You Want To Make Changes In Your Life
You need to change somethings in your life.
5/25- Squats w/video
5/25- Squats w/video
Due to my relatively constant knee pain from my autoimmune issues, I pretty much have to do exclusively box squats for now.
Why Powerlifting Gear Didn't Make Lifters Weak
Why Powerlifting Gear Didn't Make Lifters Weak
"I was shocked at how weak I was when I took the gear off. All those wasted years for nothing" - Said many former geared lifters when they switched to raw. What a load of crap that is and here is why.
Rule #13  Just Like a High Rise Building
Rule #13 Just Like a High Rise Building
you skip the 13th and go to the 14th.
Rhodestown: 10 Years After
Rhodestown: 10 Years After
I was trolling on Facebook and came across a post by Jack Kottwitz that Dave posted.  I don't remember the exact title of the post, but it was basically, 5 Things from the 90's that hold true today. I took the bait and read.  If anyone knows me I am totally that old guy who […]
Tuesday May 30
Tuesday May 30
We had a great group yesterday for the Memorial Day Holiday.  I had a 9-10am group that we hit some lower body focus.  Squats/broad jumps was the first thing we did after the warm-up.  We followed with some lateral lunge/KB swing superset next.  After that we hit some mid section work then finished with a […]
Bullies Beware!
Bullies Beware!
We have a serious problem facing our society today. The problem is insecurity.
Get Lit: 3 Ways to Light a Fire Under Your Training (May Roundup)
Get Lit: 3 Ways to Light a Fire Under Your Training (May Roundup)
You can let your weaknesses destroy you, or you can destroy them.
To roll or not to roll, that is the question
PL offseason: Good upper week, not so good lower
PL offseason: Good upper week, not so good lower
A mediocre week... but a look at mid-training adjustments. Sometimes you have to veer off plan
Records are made to be broken, and when you break all of them in your class, that is a fairly rare accomplishment. But sometimes just getting to and through the meet is the real achievement….Here is what we mean….

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