Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

6/5/2023  Today is...
6/5/2023 Today is...
I was asked, "What day is it?" Instead of rambling off that it was Monday or June 5th, I looked the person right in the eye and without hesitation told him, "It's Deadlift Day"! Then I smiled and the world was alright for a few minutes. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 10-10-10 RDL: 3x15;1x30 GHR: […]
You're Not in The Shape You Thought You'd Be In By Now Because...
You're Not in The Shape You Thought You'd Be In By Now Because...
I barked at my groups the other day and it rings true for many. "Summer is here and you're not in the shape you thought you'd be. Why? You have 168 hours in a week and I see you for FIVE of them. 163 hours. 8-12 (or more in most cases) of work per week, […]
6/2/2023. Self-Improvement
6/2/2023. Self-Improvement
"To improve your mood, exercise. To think more clearly, meditate. To understand the world, read. To understand yourself, write. To help people, help yourself. To learn faster, have fun. To understand better, teach. To be happy, don't expect. To get more, give." Today's Training: AirDyne: 10-10-10 OHP: 4 RM C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x5 Suspended […]
6/1/2023 Words for Teenagers Now That School Is Out...
6/1/2023 Words for Teenagers Now That School Is Out...
"As teens, we may have even said these words ourselves, but I definitely hear them uttered today as school is out for the summer, "What can we do? Where can we go?" To which I respond, "Go home. Mow the lawn, wash the car, learn a skill, get a job, visit your grandparents, visit the […]
Free Vincent DiZenzo Bench Press Seminar
Free Vincent DiZenzo Bench Press Seminar
More lost footage from the glory days.
Interesting day today in my gym. I had a couple of young (early 20's?) guys come in who wanted to train. They were visiting from out of state. I introduced myself to each of them as I do with any "guest" and started to give them my instruction as to what is expected and how […]
5/30/2023  The Difference Between Possible and Impossible
5/30/2023 The Difference Between Possible and Impossible
The difference that lies between possible and impossible is a person's determination. Never think it can't be achieved. You can always learn and train a bit more, then come back and conquer the objective. Today's Training: Concept II Row: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 Barbell Row: 4x10 DB Row: 4x8 DB Curl: 4x10 […]
A great variation to keep your knees healthy.
Decrease shoulder pain!
MORE back raise shenanigans!
Triceps and grip training!
Trading Volume For Intensity
Trading Volume For Intensity
Too much weights and too much conditioning is too much work for me to handle. If I'm not lowering the running, something else has to give.
5/26/2023 1000 rep Arm Day
5/26/2023 1000 rep Arm Day
I still program this workout one time per month only because it's Friday and it's cool to say you did a thousand rep arm day! Today's Training: Concept II Row: 15 mins. 5x20 of the following:
5/25/2023  How Do You Get Strong?
5/25/2023 How Do You Get Strong?
How I strengthen people is to use the basic four lifts, the squat, bench, overhead, and deadlift, and analyze where a person's weakness is within any or all of them and make THAT stronger. No multi-page testing. No "assessment", nada, nothing, zilch. I look at where the breakdown is during the four lifts that I […]
Good luck to my clients Judy and Davey Reed!
Good luck to my clients Judy and Davey Reed!
Here are my clients and friends, the 75 year old dynamic duo, Judy and Davey Reed‘s deadlifing 3 weeks out from the AAPF Nationals: Here’s Judy deadlifting her opener of 205, followed by her 2nd attempt of 225 and 3rd attempt of 245 with reverse mini bands: Here's Davey deadlifting his opener of 275 followed […]
5/24/2023  Squeeze the Lat!
5/24/2023 Squeeze the Lat!
Back training is simple. If the bar doesn't move, YOU move to the bar. If the bar moves, MOVE it towards YOU! Easy. BUT...are you training the back muscle or are you training your biceps? When we train the back in my program all of the movements begin with either a scapular depression or retraction […]
5/23/2023   "We Have Two Lives..."
5/23/2023 "We Have Two Lives..."
"The second one begins when we realize we only have ONE!"~ Confucius Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 15 mins; upper body only Bench: 2 RM JM Press: 4x10 Banded Tricep Pushdown: 100 consecutive reps on each arm. NO STOPPING Cable Fly: 100 consecutive reps. NO STOPPING Cycle: Commute
Operation Be Less Fat - One Month Challenge
Operation Be Less Fat - One Month Challenge
Maybe you want to get in shape for the summer. Try challenging yourself for a solid month. This was not done in a month by the way. But good things can still happen in four weeks.
5/22/2023 Today's Session reminded me of an old saying...
5/22/2023 Today's Session reminded me of an old saying...
"What exercises I do is simple, I lift weights. What do I do for conditioning? I lift weights faster" Today's Training: Cycle: Commute AirDyne: 15 mins (Legs only) Dynamic Deadlift: 10x2xescalating weight every two sets by 20 lbs. If the reps get too slow and begin to grind, return to the last weight that could […]

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