Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

The Clutch Factor: An Unbreakable Mental Game to Stop Cracking Under Pressure
The Clutch Factor: An Unbreakable Mental Game to Stop Cracking Under Pre...
Strengthen your body and your mind to perform at your best -- not choke -- under high-pressure situations like powerlifting meets.
Last weekend squat and shirt bench
Last weekend squat and shirt bench
Everything looks to be on track!
Men's Basketball Week of Conference Championships
Men's Basketball Week of Conference Championships
Make the most of your time!
Summer Football - Week 1
Summer Football - Week 1
The 3rd Quarter has begun. Summer training for football is underway and we had a puker and 2 others on the verge. The boys didn't keep themselves in shape.
How you train in the gym is paramount to your success….or your failure at the meet. Warm-ups and the sets that lead up to your working sets require the same attention to detail as the working sets…..Here is why….
PL Offseason: Easy heavies! And squat fixes
PL Offseason: Easy heavies! And squat fixes
An entire week of good training?? YES!! Plus a few things that have helped with my squat transition.
Thursday may 4th
Thursday may 4th
Today our Powerlifting Squad hit some heel elevated (or wore oly shoes) narrow stance ass to grass high rep (8's) squats.  After that they hit some step-ups, and a couple other lower body based movements to compliment the training session.  Most of them were struggling as higher reps and sets kill them. As far as […]
Getting Ready for Nationals
Getting Ready for Nationals
705 x 2 deadlifts! Watch the control at lockout.
231 x 2 — Good Lift!
231 x 2 — Good Lift!
Show us what you got. #gogginsforce
The Pitfalls of Digital Training
The Pitfalls of Digital Training
If the trainer can't get results using every form of communication in the physical world, how can they ever do it when most of these are taken away in the digital world?
The State of the Industry Address Part 1
The State of the Industry Address Part 1
A lot of things have changed since I got into this field. Some not so good. Some good. Some very good.
Video Log: Lifter Showcase
Video Log: Lifter Showcase
Rather than bore you with words, here are two quick interviews showcasing two of my younger lifters.
4/28- Upper Accessory
4/28- Upper Accessory
Onward and upward.
5/3 and 5/4
5/3 and 5/4
5/3 15mins stepmill Activations/no ab work Reverse Hypers 4x12 prior and 2x20 post -Wide stance raw  squat worked up to 415x3, drop set 315x10 -Lunges half a lap(about 250 lunges) 5/4 -15 mins stepmill -Activations/ light ab work -Reverse hyper 3x12 -Swings and a prowler push    
Interesting Observation
Interesting Observation
Maybe this is just part of the evolution of any industry, and I have not been around long enough to see it until now.
Training Updated/Extreme Chest Eccentric Overload
Training Updated/Extreme Chest Eccentric Overload
Training is going well. Time its low, results are high! Checkout my video on extreme eccentric overload with weight releasers/eccentric hooks for HYPERTROPHY not the traditional strength use.
I am No Longer Hardcore
I am No Longer Hardcore
Or maybe I never was.
4/27- Raw Squats w/video
4/27- Raw Squats w/video
This was the first day that I’ve squatted without my knees being inflamed and in pain for a while. Hopefully things will keep going in this direction.

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