Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Tuesday may 2
Tuesday may 2
Today our lifters hit Some rep work for the upper body.  DB bench, rolling triceps, band pull-aparts and a couple other movements were done.  A push up test was done st the end for time.  We are getting some of our lifters over 80-100 reps with this.  Very tough especially at the end. I did […]
Monday may 1st
Monday may 1st
Today our Powerlifting Squad hit some opp stance deads for 5x3.  After that they hit a bunch of stuff to compliment the workout.  Safety bar hypers, pulldowns, and a few other things finished it off.  At the end a front squat challenge was on the menu for one set to fail. As far as for […]
The Question is...Can I Kick His A$$?
The Question is...Can I Kick His A$$?
I never have that question in my head.
PL Offseason: Week 6
PL Offseason: Week 6
"Patience is not simply the ability to wait... it's how we behave while we're waiting."
5/2 Light activations and plank/ab fallouts/curl ups 3 rounds each/banded ab work -Warm ups 16kg swings and snatch, same with 24kg,Snatch test. 24kg 50 per arm. Didn't push too hard so time was lame 5:09 5/1 -Activations with planks/ extra abs -Close neutral with wide grip MAg pulldowns 6x8 each -Incline press as best as […]
4/26- Back and Bis
4/26- Back and Bis
I didn’t get as much done as I would have liked to in this session, but it was good for some variety.
There's Only One Way To Find Out How Many Friends...
There's Only One Way To Find Out How Many Friends...
....secretly wish I'd punch them in the throat
Football Summer Training Overview
Football Summer Training Overview
Matt is a strength and conditioning coach at the University at Albany. Read how he transitions back to full time and programs for his athletes (including freshman) in the summer for the upcoming playing season.
I was doing these all wrong until...
Latest training
Latest training
4/30 30 mins sled drag Activations 4/29 Lower Light activations with long ab strap pulldowns. 5 rounds -Reverse Hyper 4 prior and 2 post training -Belt Squat 6x10 Medium wide -Double KB deads ladder with Two hand swings with 88lb. deads 5 to 10 reps, T H swings 10 to 35 reps going up by […]
Today I had my 9-10am conditioning class then after that headed over to ladue in saint louis to do a 1-1.  The conditioning class went hard today.  We had a couple ex college soccer players join us.  You could see by their expressions that they thought it would be a breeze due to seeing some […]
Wow, The Next Couple Weeks
Wow, The Next Couple Weeks
are chocked full of stuff for Team Selkow
Men's Basketball 2 Weeks Out From Conference Championships
Men's Basketball 2 Weeks Out From Conference Championships
BURN THE SHIPS 'Conquer or f@cking die!' -Andy Frisella
Putting up BIG numbers in powerlifting is a huge goal, but BIG numbers for a number of decades, well, that is the ultimate goal… is what we mean…. OLD MAN STRENGTH PART II
WATCH: Lodrina Cherne Dialing in Her Gear
WATCH: Lodrina Cherne Dialing in Her Gear
Little tweaks here and there. Plus, footage of squat and bench night with Goggins Force.
Today our lifters hit BB incline as their main lift.  We are still hitting higher reps.  After that some heavy pulls and a couple pressing motions were done.  We ended the day with a 225lb rep test to fail to honor the NFL draft.  Was great to see (2) of my alumni from wisco get […]
Today our powerlifting squad hit some narrow stance high reps squats.  After that they hit some backside stuff and finished with some plate pushes.  After the amount of reps they did the plate push was icing on the cake.  A lot of them are digging some fat man cardio at the end of each session. […]
In the past week, I have spent more time on the road than I have in a long time. While I am not a huge fan of podcasts (I prefer audiobooks), I do listen to Andy Frisella's MFCEO Podcast from time to time. He hit on an interesting topic the other day: comprehensive knowledge. I firmly believe in education but
Summer Training (Lifting and Conditioning)
Summer Training (Lifting and Conditioning)
AN insight into how my brain works when I start writing programs. It'll be exhilarating.
4/25- Raw Bench
4/25- Raw Bench
Baby steps.

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