Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Tuesday April 4th
Tuesday April 4th
huge day in our area for elections.  We have a lot of major players having to run against a competitor.  Will see how this election plays out.  Personally I like how our city is moving forward and see no need for change. As far as lifting goes I hit some shoulders with a decent weight […]
What a great trip to the chi-town.  We didn't hit the clubs much as we were swamped with other stuff.  The Blackhawks and the bulls both won.  Sitting close to the basketball players was awesome.  These guys are huge you don't realize it until you see hem up close, tv doesn't do them justice. All […]
Today I had (2) morning classes then we headed up to Chicago to see Pauly and check out a Blackhawks game and a bulls game.  Am looking forward to catching up with him and talking shoppe.  He has a huge library of knowledge.  Our lifters todsy again did little to nothing.  All the hard work […]
Today was a fluff and puff lift for the lifters doing the April 8th meet. Look forward to seeing everyone and watching the insanity. Most of the lifters did some sleds and light upper nothing major. The girls doing the meet in Canada are hitting heavy triples at a high percentage. As far as for […]
When The Student Is Ready...
When The Student Is Ready...
The teacher will appear
Still Learning (Crazy) After All These Years
Still Learning (Crazy) After All These Years
Yes, it was a subtle Paul Simon reference.
3/27- Raw Bench and dealing with pain
3/27- Raw Bench and dealing with pain
Believe me, I’m tired of having to have my posts full of me bitching about my issues. Thankfully things seem to finally be improving some.
Powerlifting: The Greatest Sport in the World
Powerlifting: The Greatest Sport in the World
A short list of why Powerifting is the World's Greatest Sport.
WATCH: Mark Bell Interviews Dave Tate on Westside History
WATCH: Mark Bell Interviews Dave Tate on Westside History
Mark Bell and crew stopped out the week of the Arnold Classic and captured this footage. It's been a long time since I saw Mark so it was great to catch up.
Why Is Lemon Juice Made With Artificial Flavor...
Why Is Lemon Juice Made With Artificial Flavor...
and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
I guess I can put down the razor, oil, and the banana hammock.
Life is always now
Life is always now
Roadblocks happen. Sometimes overcoming them takes longer than we think. But Life is always NOW.
Head Is Clouded
Head Is Clouded
Struggling to wrap my head around this fat burner run.
PL off-season: week 2
PL off-season: week 2
Week 2 of off-season done. Working in some squat variations and some speed work as well
Pleasure vs. Pain
Pleasure vs. Pain
They walk hand in hand
3/26- Deadlifts
3/26- Deadlifts
This is the heaviest I’ve gone in a long time, so hopefully things keep moving in this direction.
To Lose A Pal
To Lose A Pal
A Better Place Ahead

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