Some great positive feedback on my Minimalist Method Powerlifting ebook
Danny DaSilva has had some health issues, but it hasn’t stopped him from consistently training heavy. Although I’ve had my own autoimmune health issues since writing the Minimalist Method Powerlifting ebook, it actually had nothing to do with its design, but it’s great to see that it can be adapted to work well for anyone. […]
5/20/2023. It's Not What You Say, It's What You Do
If you read any of my stuff for any length of time, you'll know that back in January I wrote about not taking anyone new into my program because of their New Year's resolutions. Over the years 99% of those people wasted not only their time but mine as well. Those that come in on […]
5/19/2023 Did You Know that Gratitude...
Did you know that gratitude: Today's Training: AirDyne: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45 Concept II Rowing Erg: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45 DB LR: 3x10;1x20 KB Front Raise: 3x10;1x20 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3x10;1x20 Single Arm Mini Band Rear Delt Scapula Retraction: 3x10;1x20 Incline Straight Leg Raise: 3x12 Side Flexion using the 45-degree back extension: 3x12 on […]
5/18/2023 Ice Cold Showers
For about a year now I've been taking an ice-cold shower that I had installed OUTSIDE of my home on a daily basis. Yes, there are those sexy ice tubs you can purchase but for a few dollars at your local Hardware store, you can get some PVC piping, a two-way valve, and a very […]
5/17/2023 Recovery is Hard
Recovery is hard, but regret is harder. So off I run on damaged wheels. I've recovered from hamstring injuries before, and I'm doing it again. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute DB Bench Press: 2 warm up sets; 3x10x a significant weight; 1xAMRAPx Same wt Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x10; 1x AMRAP Incline DB Fly: 3x10; […]
5/16/2023 High Intensity/Low Volume Makes Me Crazy!
I LOVE those days when all we are going to do is a balls-to-the-wall all-out effort. Max weight requires intensity for immensity. I mean if you are going to be timid and nice you will be done with this workout in about five minutes. You have to reach down into that dark place to find […]
5/15/2023 Dream, Desire, and Determination
"It takes a dream to get started, a desire to keep going, and determination to finish." ~Ed Harris Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 steady state; 10x 15/45 Cycle: Commute RDL: Work up in weight then do 4x12 GHR: 4x12 Reverse Hyper: 4x12 Prone Leg Curl: 4x12 Shrugs: 4x12 Banded Shrug: 4x12 Cycle: Commute
The Assistance Work Paradox
Assistance work is important, but how important? Do you need to track your assistance. Here are my thoughts.
5/12/2023 I'm a Gym Teacher
Yesterday I was reading online how many guys were bitching about the title, "Strength and Conditioning" Coach. They didn't think the title did them enough justice in how it underplayed their REAL role. I shook my head in disbelief thinking to myself how there was so much more to life and our vocation than to […]
5/11/2023 Just Meat and Potatoes
Today's Training: Hamstring Rehab: Mobility work; Range of Motion work; Flossing, Compression Bands AKA "Voodoo Bands" OHP: 6 RM Rear Delt Raise w/ Chest Supported: 3x5xHeavy Shrugs: 4x6x HEAVY
Equipped Lifting isn't Dead
I’m going to work on posting some more updates of our equipped lifters at OBB. Matt Wallace is currently 7 weeks out from his first meet at the APF Summer Siege on July 1st. He's been a member of OBB for 8 years, has been following the Minimalist Method religiously for years and has been […]
5/10/2023 Be grateful
I had a meeting of the minds this early morning when the conversation turned into something I didn't want it to. Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, I asked the group "What they were grateful for?" The answers didn't jump out audibly, but the silence was deafening so I knew I hit a chord and […]
5/9/2023 Excuses
Me accepting an excuse is as bad as me giving one. That isn't going to happen! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10-10-10 Cycle: Commute Lat Pulldown: 4x15 Barbell Bentover Row: 4x10 DB Row: 4x8 DB Curl: 4x12 Rack Scraping Curls: 4x12 Dead Hangs: 40 seconds Cycle: Commute Run: Sprints; Warm-up; 6x100 yds x 75%
5/8/2023 How Hard Do You Really Need to Work?
I'm not sure how many people know that my wife of 20 years has had a heart condition known as dilated cardiomyopathy along with Microvalve Prolapse with marginal regurgitation. From birth, she has had an irregularly shaped heart where a ventricle doesn't sit correctly on the chamber below. She noticed that something wasn't correct when […]
Another 5/3/1 Program - My 3-Day Full Body Walrus
"It’s called WALRUS Training because it is the fat, gross cousin to the Navy Seals. I also refer to it as being a Suburban Commando. No lawn too big to mow!" - Jim Wendler
5/6/2023 "Because I Said So!"
I don't usually post the workouts I do by myself. (although some of my sickest thoughts take place in these sessions) But today's workout got me to think of a few things that got me to where I am at this very point in time. I was hemming and hawing on this early Saturday morning […]
5/5/2023 New Year's Resolutions.
It's been five months since the New Year. How are those "New Year; New Me" goals coming along? Yea, that's what I thought! Today's Training: Concept II Row: 5000 meters or 30 mins (whichever comes first) DB Lateral Raise: 4x12 KB Single Arm Front Raise: 4x12 C/S DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x12 Single Arm Mini […]
5/4/2023 Res Firma Mitescere Nescit
The Latin term res firma mitescere nescit was made famous in the 1985 film "American Flyers" where it is colloquially translated as "once you got it up, keep it up". What it really means is that a firm resolve does not know how to weaken. In other words, once you have made a decision, dogmatically […]