This is what I did to hit it. Hey, maybe you won't hit 600, but this advice will certainly help you lift more.
...when the crowd of a thousand cheers at the ARNOLD can’t seem to drown out the sound of the silence from the single voice that is missing. It is during these times in our lifting journey when lifting can be a savior...
3/7- Back and Bis and another joy of owning a gym
After owning a powerlifting gym for over 12 years I can see why gyms don’t allow chalk.
Men's Basketball 7 Weeks Out From Conference Championships
Everyone wants to tap into the highest motor unit recruitment exercises...but don't forget that high recruitment also means high cost to the CNS.
Today our Powerlifters hit BB incline as their main lift. BB shrugs, football bar board presses, pull downs, and some heavy abs were done to complete the lift. I did some cambered bar good morning but couldn't do much more as I had a company in fixing some treadmills and another company installing 2 more […]
Today our Powerlifting Squad hit cambered good mornings as there main lift. We added some diff mobility movments before each lift. Watching the crew have better ROM makes me think all is working well. Very pumped up to see these guys in action april8th. The crew that did the Arnold are completely off this week […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some upper body for reps. We hit our mobility work and moved into some speed bench against chains. The tempo was a 3/1. Some good row variations and presses were done after the compliment he lift. I hit some box squats with the cambered bar. Felt ok weight wise just […]
Why do I keep doing this?
Now would be an easy time for to quit, to give up. I’m not getting any stronger. Hell, if anything I’m getting weaker and am lucky to just maintain. What’s the point?
How I cut my Triglycerides by over 30% in 30 days.
Or, I am not taking Statins.
Read this, even if you aren't old.
It might help someone you know.
I'm Not Addicted To Training, We're Just In a Committed Relati...
"How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live! Methinks that the moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow" ~Henry David Thoreau Finally getting some normal temperatures and without the rain. Our local weather man trains at my gym. I have been […]