Men's Basketball 8 weeks out from Conference Championships
Our top 3 priorities right now are:
1. stay healthy
2. Be/ get more explosive
3. build up weak points through accessory work
Remember It Can Always Be worse, Don’t Make Me Prove It.
I have always taken issue when people aren't doing something when I am teaching. I like people to be participants, NOT spectators. So...while you are taking this in: Sit comfortably. . Breathe slowly and deeply into your diaphragm, expanding your abdomen - fill your body with fresh oxygen and positive thoughts. . Pause. . Exhale […]
Hugs Not Slugs
Many people don't know that I hug each member of my program on a daily basis. It is how I say farewell to ALL the people in my Strength and Conditioning program. Although the guys are a bit weirded out by it, they soon become a part of the "Hugging Farewells" I give. One […]
Training Updated and Rob Hall Squat Video
Back Training & Rob Hall Squat Workout (Entire Session Footage)
Equality Is A Myth
Chest Supported Row: 1x20x55 1x18x65 1x16x75 1x14x85 1x12x95 Super Set W/ DB Supine Tricep Extensions: 1x20x25 1x18x30 1x16x35 1x14x40 1x12x45 Machine Cable Hi to Lo Lat Pulls w/ supinated twist: 1x20x100 1x18x110 1x16x120 1x14x130 1x12x120 Lat Pulldown: 1x20x120 1x18x130 1x16x140 1x14x150 1x12x160 Super Set W/ Behind the head […]
Rule #1
I use humor to often soften the blow of an intense conversation. Not that I am making light of an issue, but I like to make people laugh. I know when I do make them laugh, at that moment in time, no matter how brief it might be, they are the furthest away from the […]
Football Training
We are in our heaviest week of winter training. We'll do rep max "testing" this week. They'll be using 85% of their 1RM for reps on Bench (Monday) and Squat (Friday). I give them some leeway in choosing reps on this stuff. Simply speaking, I'll ask them how many reps they want to get (they […]
Monday 20lb weighted vest SSB Box Squat: bar x10/115x10/115x10/135x5/155x5 Push-ups: 5x10 DB Row: 5x10 Prowler: 4 trips of 40 yards Tuesday 30 minute walk with 20lb weighted vest Wednesday 20lb weighted vest Trap Bar: 95x10/95x10/115x10/135x5/135x5 Push-ups: 5x10 DB Row: 5x10 Trap Bar Farmer's Carry: 4 trips of 40 yards Friday 20lb weighted vest SSB Box […]
Best video I have done to date (Strength & Size for Back)
Just put this live 30 seconds ago! Includes isometrics for dead sticking points, snatch grip deads, eccentric seated rows, MAD Pull ups...................enjoy! Wanted to post first here
2/22- Accessory work and swollen joints
I'm ready to be done with all of this since it's just becoming more and more frustrating.