Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Men's Basketball 8 weeks out from Conference Championships
Men's Basketball 8 weeks out from Conference Championships
Our top 3 priorities right now are: 1. stay healthy 2. Be/ get more explosive 3. build up weak points through accessory work
Remember It Can Always Be worse, Don’t Make Me Prove It.
Remember It Can Always Be worse, Don’t Make Me Prove It.
I have always taken issue when people aren't doing something when I am teaching.  I like people to be participants, NOT spectators.  So...while you are taking this in: Sit comfortably. . Breathe slowly and deeply into your diaphragm, expanding your abdomen - fill your body with fresh oxygen and positive thoughts. . Pause. . Exhale […]
2/24- Half ass benching
2/24- Half ass benching
Bear with me. I’m doing the best I can.
Don't do anything stupid....
Don't do anything stupid....
Its meet week... for the love... dont do anything stupid
Hugs Not Slugs
Hugs Not Slugs
 Many people don't know that I hug each member of my program on a daily basis.  It is how I say farewell to ALL the people in my Strength and Conditioning program. Although the guys are a bit weirded out by it, they soon become a part of the "Hugging Farewells" I give.   One […]
Training Updated and Rob Hall Squat Video
Training Updated and Rob Hall Squat Video
Back Training & Rob Hall Squat Workout (Entire Session Footage)
A bunch of people have asked me for my numbers. Here they are.
One week out
One week out
That's all until the meet I guess, Thanks for reading along!
Arnold prep: Week 11 (1 week out)
Arnold prep: Week 11 (1 week out)
Final real training week of squat and bench openers...
Equality Is A Myth
Equality Is A Myth
Chest Supported Row:  1x20x55 1x18x65 1x16x75 1x14x85 1x12x95   Super Set W/   DB Supine Tricep Extensions: 1x20x25 1x18x30 1x16x35 1x14x40 1x12x45   Machine Cable Hi to Lo Lat Pulls w/ supinated twist: 1x20x100 1x18x110 1x16x120 1x14x130 1x12x120     Lat Pulldown: 1x20x120 1x18x130 1x16x140 1x14x150 1x12x160   Super Set W/   Behind the head […]
Do I Coach Average Joes?
Do I Coach Average Joes?
Or Is The NBA The Ticket?
Rule #1
Rule #1
I use humor to often soften the blow of an intense conversation.  Not that I am making light of an issue, but I like to make people laugh. I know when I do make them laugh, at that moment in time, no matter how brief it might be, they are the furthest away from the […]
In The Band
In The Band
Pretty sure now I know how Jason Newsted felt when he was asked to join Metallica.
Football Training
Football Training
We are in our heaviest week of winter training.  We'll do rep max "testing" this week.  They'll be using 85% of their 1RM for reps on Bench (Monday) and Squat (Friday).  I give them some leeway in choosing reps on this stuff.  Simply speaking, I'll ask them how many reps they want to get (they […]
Monday 20lb weighted vest SSB Box Squat: bar x10/115x10/115x10/135x5/155x5 Push-ups: 5x10 DB Row: 5x10 Prowler: 4 trips of 40 yards Tuesday 30 minute walk with 20lb weighted vest Wednesday 20lb weighted vest Trap Bar: 95x10/95x10/115x10/135x5/135x5 Push-ups: 5x10 DB Row: 5x10 Trap Bar Farmer's Carry: 4 trips of 40 yards Friday 20lb weighted vest SSB Box […]
Another Easy Week
Another Easy Week
Soooo close to going HAM for the US Open, but still holding myself back.
Best video I have done to date (Strength & Size for Back)
Best video I have done to date (Strength & Size for Back)
Just put this live 30 seconds ago! Includes isometrics for dead sticking points, snatch grip deads, eccentric seated rows, MAD Pull ups...................enjoy! Wanted to post first here
2/22- Accessory work and swollen joints
2/22- Accessory work and swollen joints
I'm ready to be done with all of this since it's just becoming more and more frustrating.
Arnold Prep: Week 10
Arnold Prep: Week 10
2 weeks out from the Arnold

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