The journey of powerlifting in part is about being the best powerlifting you can be and testing yourself on the platform where it matters. Along this journey, if you are doing it right, you will find brothers not of blood but of iron, and friendships forged in steel…..
Monday Morning Quarterbacking
We do the best we can with the knowledge we have in that moment. It's easier to look back at an event and see that there were better choices because we already learned from our experiences. Hindsight or "Monday Morning quarterbacking" happens AFTER the lesson, so we can't condemn ourselves for NOT knowing the lesson before we learn […]
I Don't Need to Have Logical Reasons
I don't need to have logical reasons for doing all the weird things that I like to do. Sometimes I just do things because they're fun and it makes me happy! I love having conversations with kids. My own son comes to mind first, but all his friends too. I like to ask them questions […]
Today was a light or openers day for our Powerlifters doing the Arnold. The other crew doing the April 8th meet went lighter with us ramping back up mon towards that. Very happy with everyone's progress look forward to seeing them on the platform. As far as for my self I hit a dumb weight […]
Trainin' and Arnold time again
2/23 15 mins stepmill Activations with birddogs Reverse hypers 3 prior, 1 post Planks using suspension straps Deadlift 365x3x3, 395 3x2 2/22 15 mins stepmill Activations with planks and bird dogs Reverse hypers 3 prior, 2 post Knee extensions 10x10 Wide stance leg press 5x5, moved up 3x3 Kb one leg reaches Bench 225x5x3. 235x2x2 […]
Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance "The Seven P&...
Last night I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. As I passed through the kitchen, I happened to look out through the side window. I noticed a dude with a knife, sneaking through my next door neighbor's garden. Suddenly my neighbor came from nowhere and smacked him over the head with a shovel, killing him instantly. […]
Video Log: A New Twist on an Old Standby: the Small Circle Fly
Try this variation to smoke your pecs and build healthier shoulders.
Here I AM!!! Now What Are Your Other Two Wishes???
Good to be back at my gym! Hex Bar Dead Lift: Move up in weight to a heavy one rep. Do not max....495 was the number today Box Jumps: 5x2 @ 36 inches Reactive Box Jump: 5x12 From a 16" up to 36" Bike Commute: 17 minutes 5K run
Today was a light upper body based session for our lifters. High reps and lighter weight was on the agenda. Quick was the theme. Wanted them to get some blood flow but not do too much in prep for thurs and fri. Thurs and fri is openers or last warm up. This will depend on […]
today our Powerlifting squad hit a heavy single off one mat. Everyone did great . This was the last heavy lift for our crew doing the Arnold Andy for the others this was their last heavy lift until next mon. Aaron hit 715, nova hit 700, Sam hit 625, Karl and jim got around 550, […]
Louie Simmons
When I talk and write about "passing on" knowledge and information from those who helped me, Louie comes to mind every time. I would not be what I am today without the help, support, and aggression of Louie Simmons and the crew I trained with over the 14 years I was there.