First Loser? Coach/Dad
My family (ies) spent time in Phoenix, Arizona this past Presidents Weekend playing in a Hockey Tournament. After a rather rough start with the accommodations, we settled into a fine routine of Hockey, Recreating, Shopping and Training. Nothing big as far as the training is concerned, but because we had a bunch of nice clean […]
Wanna Train At Elitefts Friday Night After The Arnold? Read How
Wanna Train At Elitefts Friday Night Before The Arnold? Special Invite Raffle - Read How
On the mend... another hip replacement pt. 2
The next STEP in my hip replacement journey, pun intended.
Football Training
We're halfway through our Winter Training cycle. The guys are holding up pretty well. We have a few injury issues, but nothing major. I think the plan to train with lighter training maxes is paying off. In the past I've always used their actual max to base percentages off of. I figured because I only […]
Thursday and Saturday Training
Thursday Hurdle-unders: 10 reps Pull-aparts: 50 reps Stretching Trap Bar: 10x5@95lbs DB Row/Trap Bar Shrugs: 5x10 each Push-ups/3-way Shoulder Raises: 5x10 each Great session. I did it all with the weighted vest on. Felt really good afterwards. Saturday Went up to Wendler's for the weekend. It was a beautiful day in Ohio and training went […]
BUFFALO SHOULDA [Video Included]
Why do my shoulders often hurt more from my squats then from my benching????? Here is your answer….
2/17 15 mins stepmill Activations, birddogs , strap roll out for holds Reverse hypers 3x12, 1x25 after training Bench 230x3x3, 250x3x2 reps, assisted 275x2x2 Rows using reverse hypers 5x15 Rear delts with bells 5x12 Banded up and overs 3x failure Snatch 24kg 5x10 per arm 2/16 15 mins stepmill Activations with planks and birdogs Reverse […]
Today was our Powerlifting Squads biggest squat of their training session. Aaron hit 700lb raw and killed it but felt a light tear in hi quad area. He had put on a lot of muscle and said he was dehydrated. He should be good by the meet. Marivon had an ok day but is still […]
Have a Plan. Work The Plan. FOLLOW THROUGH. Check Your Progress
The wonderful world of GOT IT DONE! It doesn't matter how the rest of the day will unfold. The plan will work, if you A: Have one B: Work the plan C: Follow Through and D: Check your progress Today's Training: Dynamic Bench: 15x3x45% BB Overhead Press: 15x3x weight that you can handle and move fast. […]
Quick Tip: How to Get Strong(er) in Two Seconds
What if I told you that you can get Strong(er) in only two seconds?
Would you do it?
20 Most Popular Training Methods of 2016
The results are in! The 20 Most Popular Training Methods of 2016. How many of you use online trainers and what are you training for?
Swag Is For Boys. Class Is For Men
There are many benefits being associated with EliteFTS in the capacity that I am. I asked if there were any gyms that I could train in this weekend when I head over to Phoenix AZ. I didn't get one response. NOPE...more like 100. That alone tells me that there is no reason to be out […]
Today our lifter hit some moderate DB presses along with some other moderate weight upper body movments. We wanted to get them in and get some blood flow but not do too much as fri is their heaviest bench of the cycle. All is looking well so far. Really pumped to get to Ohio and […]
Monday feb thirteenth
Today was a speed day for our Powerlifitng squad. Quick and easy 6x1. Lots of band tension little weight on the bar. Wanted to make it a quick and easy lift as thurs will be their biggest squat of the training cycle. This will give the lifters doing the Arnold sixteen days till the meet. […]