Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Yesterday I wrote about the encouragement of young athletes and how by certain actions an unknowing coach can break the spirit or confidence of that person. Thinking about that, I further my beliefs in letting each person explore what THEY think could be fun or challenging. If you remember the Michael Orr story, that turned […]
Our lifters were off today and come back Tomorow and fri for a couple big days.  Cody and his morning crew all got back from th uspa meet in camp pendalton in cali.  Jerod did ok from what they said.  Didn't hit what he was hoping to.  Unsure what program he was following.  Heard though […]
Always a Student
Always a Student
The deep and meaningful conversations that go on in my gym are LEGENDARY! The Quote of the day: "The thing about money, you can exchange it for some really cool shit". ~ Mark Tuthill I mean...think about that.  So simple and so eloquently stated.   I had an observation that needs to be shared with […]
Football Winter Training
Football Winter Training
Well, we are into our second week of training.  I'm doing a few things differently, but sticking with my basic philosophy.  I've trimmed the fat, so to speak and I believe I've streamlined the program.  I'm trying to get it to a point where I don't really have to rewrite programs each phase.  I want […]
Training getting back on track!
Training getting back on track!
Monday was a bench day, and since I worked up in the shirt the previous week, I stayed raw (mostly) for this
Todsy our Powerlifting Squad hit some upper body work.  Bamboo bar, med-ball push ups, some back movments and a couple fun things at the end had everyone swelled up.  Was really happy with yesterday.  We had Sam hit 645 and Aaron go for 805 for triples on rack pulls.  The others all did well from […]
Jan. 23rd 1857
Jan. 23rd 1857
"23-Jan-1857 The coldest day that I remember recording, clear and bright, but very high wind, blowing the snow. Ink froze. ~ Henry David Thoreau Today's Training: Fwd/Bkwd Leg Swing: 2x10 Abductiom leg swing: 2x10 3 bench step over (knees in front) 5 sets of 5 times over the three benches and back Dynamic High Box Squat: […]
Monday Jan 23rd
Monday Jan 23rd
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit their mobility work (hurdle under/over), TKE's, roll-overs into V stretch.  After that they headed to hit some rack pulls (plate 6-8inches off floor), cambered bar good morn, leg curls, decline sit-up variations, and some conditioning Via lunges.  Looking forward to seeing everyone getting after it today.  Kristin had a big […]
CCC: 4 Weeks Out
CCC: 4 Weeks Out
Some great training this week as I finish prep for the CCC and begin to gear up for the US Open.
I can't exist without a goal
DEADLIFT…Am I Doing This Right???
DEADLIFT…Am I Doing This Right???
There is incorrect deadlift form, correct deadlift form…and there is the correct deadlift form for you specifically. Know the differences.
I'm Alive!
I'm Alive!
Surgery was successful.  I have some pretty cool new scars and I'm 32 days into recovery.  I'll try to remember events as they unfolded, but there's a 10 day stretch where I'm a little blank. Went in on December 21st.  Surgery went well.  I don't remember much until the next day when the nurse came […]
"The Moment My Legs Begin To Move..."
"The Moment My Legs Begin To Move..."
"my thoughts begin to flow"
Training Updated
Training Updated
Training updated and tips for making strength gains for master lifters & my thoughts on hardgainers adding muscle
Today our Powerlifting squad wrapped up the week with heavy dumbells presses as the main lift.  Our DB's only go up to 150lbs.  We had quite a few of them wrap a band around their back for more added weight/tension.  Time to get some bigger dumbells.  The biggest ones I have ever lifted/seen was 200lbs. […]
Heaviest Squatting in Over 3 Years
Heaviest Squatting in Over 3 Years
Skip is prepping for a summer show after relocating to Florida. This prep already includes more pancakes and burgers than any normal person dares to consume, and yet he is proving week after week that it works like it has for years. Follow his unorthodox, outside-of-the-box methods as he almost effortlessly drops body fat week in and week
WATCH: Duffalo Bar Pause Squats with 645x3x3
WATCH: Duffalo Bar Pause Squats with 645x3x3
Perry pausing after squatting 770x2.
You Have Survived EVERY Bad Day
You Have Survived EVERY Bad Day
I have fun with my solution to most issues.  "Go up in weight!" Having a bad day?  Not one has killed you yet, Go up in weight. Having a good day?  GREAT, let's run with it, Go up in weight. My car broke down.  Can you fix it right now?  No? Yes? Go up in […]

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