Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

1/19- Raw Squats using the OBB Power Handles w/the first video in a while
1/19- Raw Squats using the OBB Power Handles w/the first video in a while
I seem to have good days and bad days with my joint pain. Today was a good day.
New Years Resolutions? Or Last Years Findings...
New Years Resolutions? Or Last Years Findings...
Since I'm not a resolutions person, I chose to focus on the things I learned and carry them with me into 2017.
Thursday Jan 19th
Thursday Jan 19th
Today our lifters hit some deficit deads.  Aaron hit 615x3.  Kristin got around 300lbs.  Waiting to hear from our evening crew in their weights.  The morning crew headed out to California for one of our 220lb lifter who is competing sat.  Wish I was there love cali.  We hit some heavy upper Tomorow then start […]
Tuesday Jan 17
Tuesday Jan 17
Today our lifters hit some board presses for reps (higher board than last week) for reps along with a lot of accessory movments for the upper body.  Everyone is looking swole as helll.  Looking forward to seeing Eveyone in march at the Arnold.  We are rolling deep a tough this meet.  Can't wait to get […]
Monday Jan 16
Monday Jan 16
Today we are wrapping up week three and going pretty heavy.  Safety bar free squats in full comp set up were performed.  We had some sick numbers today for doubles.  Most were between 500-700lbs.  Safety squat bar as we call it the ego killer.  It is a very tough way to squat.  After that they […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit a heavy max effort upper body session.  Heavy DB bench was the main lift.  DB mils, swimmers row, and some other upper body movments were done.  I am a big believer in improving imbalances with my lifters we do a lot of stuff to improve on weaknesses and address any […]
Today  lifters hit some lower body  Movements.  Deficit deads was the main lift.  After that we hit some glute ham raises, lateral lunges, and some stuff on the straps to get our mid-section stronger.  Our lifting groups are kicking ass.  Really like seeing everyone working together as a team. I squatted yesterday and am sore […]
Tuesday Jan 10
Tuesday Jan 10
Today our powerlifting squad hitour shoulder series and mobility to prep them for our upper body training session.  For the lift they did close grip bench off boards (height varied on ROM of athlete), sitting low rows, dips or bench dips (depending on flexibility/issues with the movement) face pulls, pressdowns and some other fun stuff […]
Arnold Prep: Week 5
Arnold Prep: Week 5
Week 5 was a good one... even with traveling, I hit all the numbers needed.
Play= Research
Play= Research
Appetizer   Fwd/Bkwd Leg Swing: 2x20 Abduction Leg Swing: 2x20 Fire Hydrant Knee Circles: 2x10 Bench Step Over: Line up three benches keeping the shoulders parallel to the wall, step over each bench and come back=1 set. 5 sets with knee lifting in front 5 sets with the leg straightening out in the back   […]
No time for fun and games at the moment
I Am!
I Am!
Two powerful words. What you put after them shapes your reality.
1/12- Upper Accessory (Chest and Tris)
1/12- Upper Accessory (Chest and Tris)
Training was decent today. I’m still weak as poo, but at least I wasn’t in too much pain.
1/11- A poor attempt at deadlifts
1/11- A poor attempt at deadlifts
I’m still keeping at it and doing the best I can.
Nemesis Program 1 Week 8
Nemesis Program 1 Week 8
Circa Max Part 2?
Weights Don't Ask Silly Questions. Weights Understand
Weights Don't Ask Silly Questions. Weights Understand
Today was the first day back in the gym since getting the flu. Now hear this...Avoid the flu!  It's gnarly and doesn't make anyone happy.  AVOID the flu!!! Overall not bad in performance.  But I took the cautious approach and didn't go ape shit. As the week progresses, so will I. Still taking in a […]
The Science Behind the Bench Press
The Science Behind the Bench Press
Learn the science behind the bench press. Get wicked smart wicked fast.
New Chest training ideas
New Chest training ideas
Chest growth is the intention, here is teh way!

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