The Struggle Today=The Strength Tomorrow
Floor Press using a foam roller length wise on the spine: 10 RM The purpose was to allow the scapula to move and to engage the Combat Chassis for stability in of the spine. Duo/Poly DB Chest Press: Work up to a heavy pair of dumbbells slowly. Once the correct weight is established, do […]
Holiday catch up
12/29 stepmill, 1/1 15 mins stepmill, 1/2 15 mins stepmill 1/2 Upper -Activations and planks/bird dogs -Bench tempo 330 8sets -Bell incline presses 5 sets -Rope pushdowns 5sets -Turkish get up 5 sets x 1 per side -88lb swings 1x30, 1x20 per arm 12/31 Lower -Some activations at the end -Reverse hypers 4x10 -Swings x15,x30,, […]
Arnold Prep: Week 3
3rd week in this little mini cycle before deload. Some soft tissue and cupping work done as well
The One Read If It's The Only One Of Mine For This Year
A bunch of winning ideas if you look close...REALLY
Saturday last day of 2016
Ths has been a crazy year for me. Getting back on track 'kind of' is how I would lable it. Patiently waiting to get back to the platform but knowing there is still an uphill battle ahead of me. Competing for me has never been tough or challenging. I always did what I neede to […]
12/27- Raw Bench
Last week I couldn’t bench at all due to the joint pain in my wrists so this week was a step in the right direction.
You Can't Change if You Don't See The Issues
I've been having issue with my sciatic nerve. I have now incorporated everything I can think of aside from the purchase of an Old School Nautilus Duo/Poly Hip and Back machine. (although that would do the trick for certain) I traced back my training journal to see what I added or had taken away that […]
Dec 2016 - Wk 4
Day 1 - Clean - 6x3 Bench Press - 3x5, 3x4 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10 Day 2 - Squat - 3x5, 2x4 DB Row - 4x10ea RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10 I […]
Dec 2016 - Wk 3
Day 1 - Clean - 6x3 Bench Press - 3x5, 3x4 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10 Day 2 - Squat - 3x5, 2x4 DB Row - 4x10ea RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10
Dec 2016 - Wk 2
Day 1 - Clean - 6x3 Bench Press - 3x5, 3x4 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10 Day 2 - Squat - 5x5 DB Row - 4x10 RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10 Same vol on […]
Dec 2016 - Wk 1
Day 1 - Clean - 5x5 Bench Press - 5x5 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10 Day 2 - Squat - 5x5 DB Row - 4x10 RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10 As boring as this […]
Today again our Powerlifitng squad was off. Was great to hear we have another one of our strongest lifters in the gym (220lbs, PD) returning to the platform. Karl is 42 years old and just like Nova can be a force if they keep up with it and stay healthy. For PD records they should […]
Today is our first full day off for our Powerlifitng squad. I'm not a big de-load guy so we just take a few days off before we ramp up. Everyone had solid numbers most matched their second attempts at their best meet. I had some friends in town last night from the WWE some of […]