Today our Powerlifitng squad finished up the week hitting heavy triples on the bench. Afternoon that they hit some db's bench, heavy shrugs, chest supported rows, abs and a couple other movments that don't work and won't get you stronger. I hope you sense my sarcasm. As far as for myself i hit some heavy […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some pvc or foam rolling along with their mobility work. For their lift they hit a higher percentage on deads then followed by zercher good morn. Belt walks and some mid section followed the session. As far as for myself I hit some deads and hit a decent number. For […]
Tuesday dec 20
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit our normal mobility work the. Hit an upper body training session. We prescribe daily mobility work to help prevent injuries and to work on flexibility as well. For the lift they used the football bar to hit some board presses for higher reps. Rolling tricep extensions and Tate presses followed. […]
When coming back from a meet performance be it great, good, below average or a bomb-out, every lifter re-assesses. Let me restate that…every SMART lifter re-assesses.
12/20- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis again)
Regardless of what holiday you celebrate, remember that just being alive is a gift.
Casa de Selkow Menu Plan for Christmas/Hannukka
5K and no wheeze. I not sure how I feel about that. On one side, it was my bench mark as to how hard I needed to work. On the other side, with it out of the equation, I now need to go even faster or farther. For now, I'll just run this three quicker. […]
12/16- Upper Body Accessory (Bis and Tris) and my first drug infusion
I'm not sure how my life got to this point, but I'm damn sure going to do everything that I can to get back as close to "normal" as I can.
I Don't Count The Days. I Make The Days Count.
I seriously was going to go into some big time coaching techniques and strategy into the New Year, but I wasted 5 minutes on Social Network and realized that people are plain and simple miserable. Please...have a safe and fun Merry Christmas. I hope you find some peace in something. However, I think the folks […]
12/22 Had to back off the KB work for a couple days. Ever since I go sloppy on snatches a couple weeks ago, it has stayed fired up. Spent alot of time doing hypers, activations, planks and bird dogs. 12/23 -15 mins stepmill constant climg -Activations to start -Various Mcgill style planks, birddogs, stir the […]
Next Time, When You Have A Story...Get To The Point
I like to help people realize that their "Potential" is actually unused talent. People get lumped into a category that they then start to believe, and then self serve their unwritten prophecy. Example: "He's a good athlete, but doesn't seem to have much going on upstairs. Tends to be a bit stupid at times". So...since […]
12/21 Lower
12/20 -Activations -Stir the pot , bird dogs, planks -Swings 24kx15 per arm, 28kgx30 per arm, 28kgx 60 per arm 12/21 Lower -Activations -Reverse Hypers 3x15 -Tsunami bar 3 plates x6x5 sets -Tsunami bar pin zerchers 2 plates 4x5 reps -Stir the pot, planks, bird dogs -Reverse hypers 2x12 Spud
Gogginsforce's Tony Walton Deadlifting RAW
Gogginsforce training: At 165lbs Tony Walton is a beast pulling 655x2 raw in training.
Just some music I have been digging and training to. It's always good to find new tunes.
FREE Training Programs eBook - No Strings Attached
Free training programs from Marshal Johnson, Jo Jordan, David Allen, Ashley Jones, CJ Murphy, John Meadows, Jim Wendler, Brian Schwab, Eric Maroscher, Jonathan Mike, Dan John, Skip Hill, Clint Darden, Amy Wattles, and more.