I'm A Beginner Before I Am Anything Else
Here's the thing... I am a minimalist! When it comes to nice things, I don't mind them, I'm just not going to purchase them if I have a way of doing it with what I have. Shoes...I say..."hahahahahahah...shoes...hahahahahah" just about every chance I get to my friends that are into them. I'm glad for them, […]
Ask Better Questions
You can't predict the future but you can set objectives for it. You certainly have a choice on what you can do right now today and how you're going to embrace that and how you're going to frame it.
PSA: Read this if you really are serious about training & competing
Has your dedication to training has ever created issues within your own life. Has it impaired work performance, relationships, and at times turned your life upside down?
What Do You Call A Fish With No Eye?
FSH! Everyone knows that. Dynamic Squat: 8x2x54% Then move it up to the next recognizable increment and do. 5x5@ that weight. Example: D.E. Squat: 8x2x275 move up to 315 and do 5x5 THEN, a drop set on the 5th set 1x5x315 1x10x225 1x20x135 GHR: 2x10xBW 4x20x20 lb med ball held on the chest […]
12/19 upper, etc
2/19 Upper -15 mins stepmill -Activations -Bird dogs, Stir the pots 4 rounds -Bell press 5 reps per alternating 3 sec tempo while holding the in the bottom position. Then asmany regular reps as possible 5 rounds. -Bell suspended rows with the same tempo and theme of press, 5 rounds -Dip with 3 sec tempo […]
Lifting, fun, and fire. I'd expect nothing less visiting the Five Points Gym at Casa De Muerte.
Arnold Prep: Week 1
First week of Arnold prep under way. Hitting some grooves and off to a good start
Angry Letter From A PISSED OFF Gym Owner
I have received several emails from gym owners since posting Do your gym ethics suck? It seems there were many things I forgot or didn't know about. Below is a letter from one that asked me to post it as a guest blog.
Today our Powerlifting squad hit some heavy reps on bench. Next week we will shave it down some the after Christmas test out. Heavy DB's incline, heavy shrugs, rows, raises, and abs finished up the session. Curls and extra tricep work was optional depending on what each lifter needs to improve on. As far as […]
Had some GREAT NEWS last night on the way home from a 1-1 training session in STL. Will keep everyone posted as I know more. Had a really bad temp last night so I took off lifting wed/thrus to rest and recover. Nova tried on his new single ply metal gear suit but it was […]
Tuesday dec 13
Today our Powerlifting squad either pvc or foam rolled and did our mobility work to prep them for some upper body work. Football bar board presses, rolling tricep extensions, Tate presses, pull down variations, and some other movments were done to complement the session. I am very happy to see every day our lifters getting […]
Off the rails and training
12/15 -Activations -Mcgill Planks and bird dogs -Reverse hypers 2x20 -Swings 20kg x20 per arm, 24kgx30 swings per arm, 28kgx50 or 60 swings per arm 12/16 Day started out crappy at 4am ish with a text from a employee saying she might not be into work on time. This is mailing packages time and all […]
Run? Why? Fight or Flight!
Early morning, and I mean...Ass up and out of bed on Sunday morning for an 'Og, which turned into a 5K sprint. It's always the same, I lay in bed thinking about what I SHOULD do, versus what I want to do. Lazy Sunday at 0430 (remember, that's sleeping in at Casa de Selkow), Big […]
Last week, feeling better
All in all I felt OK on Sunday, but really good on Monday. Looks like I'm finally kicking this bug!
As the meet approaches, the collective energy of a powerlifting gym crescendos up into somewhat of a feeding frenzy. This is the benefit of training with a group of likeminded lifters vs going it alone.
12/13- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis)
I’m still adapting my training to deal with my limited work capacity and the potential for muscle tears while on prednisone.