Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

12/9- Lower Accessory and a visit from my online client Micah
12/9- Lower Accessory and a visit from my online client Micah
My knees weren’t going for squats today so I just did some accessory work.
Lift Responsibly
Lift Responsibly
Happy Holidays - Lift Responsibly
Nemesis Program 1 Week 4
Nemesis Program 1 Week 4
Grow Your Biceps!
FML - Why I Was Late To Work
FML - Why I Was Late To Work
Moving in the morning sucks ass! Right now it's even worse. Silo's, Sandwiches, Building, Dog, Calories, PR and the Rust Belt.
Be The Fruit Loop in a Bowl of Cheerios
Be The Fruit Loop in a Bowl of Cheerios
On dynamic day, I like to adjust the technique flaws of the athletes.  Because it's hard to remember things, I use the Buddy Morris approach: Teach one thing the participant has an 87% chance of remembering it.   Teach TWO things the number drops to 33%   Teaching THREE things...well, "Good Luck with that"   […]
SpudInc Super Yoke Swinging Madness!
SpudInc Super Yoke Swinging Madness!
Fun, Games, and Swinging!
Bench Press World record and my training!
Bench Press World record and my training!
World record bench press & great training sessions
Don’t Chase the Brace Part 1-The Squat
Don’t Chase the Brace Part 1-The Squat
Ok, so it seems like bracing is being kicked to death all over the internet. If you pay attention to: Instagram Facebook Guru Sites (not this one) You’ll leave thinking that you need to brace your midsection when you: Lift weights Pick up your kids
Sometimes All You Need Is A Football To The Head
Sometimes All You Need Is A Football To The Head
Safety is always a concern in the weight room. More often than not, I am telling people to FOCUS and stop goofing off.
Old School Training Video Flannel Barbell Rows
Old School Training Video Flannel Barbell Rows
More Old School Training Clips - Barbell Rows
If You’re Hotter Than Me.. Does That Make Me Cooler Than You?
If You’re Hotter Than Me.. Does That Make Me Cooler Than You?
Coaching tip for today: I had to apply this MULTIPLE times this morning. Excuses Are Useless!   Three drop sets of the following exercises: Cable rope Tricep Push down DB Curl Supine DB Tricep Extension DB Hammer Curl Dips vs. Multiple Bands Barbell Curl Finally in two sets PUMP as much blood as you can […]
12/13 and 12/14
12/13 and 12/14
12/13 -Activations -Mcgill Planks and birddogs -Reverse Hypers 4x12 12/14 Lower -Activations -Mcgill planks and bird dogs -Reverse Hypers 3x12 -SSB close stance raw.  Keeping it light still and working the breathing during the reps.  8 setsx5 reps -Dead stop double KB swings.  Purpose here was to work on the reaching back under me to […]
Off-season (transition): Week 5 then prep starts!
Off-season (transition): Week 5 then prep starts!
Deload week of some light work, plus a massive amount of ropes and sleds, videos of each
WATCH: How to Wrap Knees
WATCH: How to Wrap Knees
Steve Goggins shows how to wrap knees in this video.
Tell Them What You Want
Tell Them What You Want
Not what you don't want.
Strongman Slam, Press, and Hank Jr!
Strongman Slam, Press, and Hank Jr!
While I'm working on an article about what makes up THE PERFECT WARM-UP, I figured that I'd give you just a little taste! As the cold 80 degree winter weather blows in here in Cyprus, warm ups have become more and more important. In all honesty, it was 50 F inside my gym with the […]
NOV Non-Invitational
NOV Non-Invitational
First, it was awesome seeing Jim and Vincent for the weekend. The best friends are the the ones who you may not see or talk to for weeks or even months at a time and they don't bust your balls and ask, "Why haven't you called?" or something childish like that and when you see […]
Monday dec 12
Monday dec 12
Today our powerlifting squad hit a lower body based training session.   They hit their mobility work and we added foam or pvc pipe rolling as well.  After that they hit their comp style set up free squat at a percentage for 8's.  Following that they hit deficit deads at a % for reps.  Pistol […]
Old School Training  Seated Good Morning
Old School Training Seated Good Morning
More Old School Training - Seated good mornings

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