Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Create more luck using science!
Create more luck using science!
Checkout my new video on creating luck using scientific principles
12/1- Raw Squats, giving back, and a rant on social media
12/1- Raw Squats, giving back, and a rant on social media
On Saturday Daniel Tinajero, Jo Jordan, Trinity and I helped set up a paralympic bench and gave some bench instructions with Charlie Merritt at the Paralyzed Veterans of America in Sanford. We hope to make this a more regular event and to get more of the disabled veterans involved as we go.
WATCH: High Hip Position in the Deadlift
WATCH: High Hip Position in the Deadlift
We're not squatting into the deadlift.
Great training sessions
Great training sessions
#Oldschoolbloodandgutsmalestripper workout :)
Attitude, Not Amplitude Determines Your Altitude.
Attitude, Not Amplitude Determines Your Altitude.
As a Strength and Conditioning coach I have found often that I am the Segway between Coaching Staff and Athlete. Seems the unique position is one that WANTS the athlete to succeed beyond everyone's expectations and the Coaches that want to put the BEST players on the Field, Court or Ice. I've been in this […]
Off-season (transition): week 4
Off-season (transition): week 4
Transition block continues as I start to move into some heavy loads
Old School Training Video - Good Mornings
Old School Training Video - Good Mornings
This is a clip from one of the original WSBB training videos (they have been reproduced twice since this) that I used to use in my seminars.
Training and Hot Shower Thoughts
Training and Hot Shower Thoughts
12/4 -Activations and 15 mins stepmill 12/3 Lower -Activations -Reverse hyper 3x12 -SSB medium raw. Worked up to 375x2x3 sets.  Few down  sets practicing breathing through the reps -KB swings 24kgx30 per arm, 28kgx60 per arm. Double swings close stance 20kgx50 reps Reverse hyper to loosen up 1x30 12/5 Upper -Activations -Mcgill planks and bird […]
Monday dec 5
Monday dec 5
Today our powerlifting crew hit speed squats against bands using an opposite stance of what they normally squat.  Short rest periods and heavier band tension made it a tough day.  I have some doing box squats for most of this training cycle as they have some knee issues.  Afte that's they hit steric hold hyped, […]
Stop Starting Things Tomorrow
Stop Starting Things Tomorrow
I have said, no one actually retires from sports, they get tired  of recovering from the pain of the sport. I heard it put this way as well.  "Everyone has one more injury, but not everyone has one more recovery".  Unfortunately as brilliant as that is, I can't remember which one of my friends said it […]
Thursday and Saturday Training: Deadlift/Bench and Squat
Thursday and Saturday Training: Deadlift/Bench and Squat
Wednesday I got in some conditioning as I was a scout team player for men's basketball in practice.  I really have to stop thinking I can play with college kids.  Man, my body felt terrible after two days of playing in practice. Thursday Trap Bar: 22x5x5/275x5/3x5@315 FBB Bench: 5x5@225 T-bar: 5x10 Kept it short and […]
A Break-In Week
A Break-In Week
My first week of conjugate-style powerlifting.
Conjugate Powerbuilding & Meet Prep
Conjugate Powerbuilding & Meet Prep
My new strategy for meet prep: a take on the conjugate method with a little bodybuilding thrown in.
11/29- Raw Bench/Accessory and some progress with my medical issues
11/29- Raw Bench/Accessory and some progress with my medical issues
I keep falling. I’m ready to finally stand back up.
The Point of Bifurcation (Santa Jo Jordan pictured)
The Point of Bifurcation (Santa Jo Jordan pictured)
I reached it on Friday.  What?  The point of bifurcation.  You know, "Do or Die". You've read about all the weight room heroes that say things like, "not until they peel my dead cold hands from the steel",  or "It isn't over until I'm DONE" After 20 years of rising every morning at 0300, opening […]
Back Training
Back Training
Muscles and Motorcycles
Muscles and Motorcycles
Because life isn't just about muscles.
New All-Time Squat World Record--My workout
New All-Time Squat World Record--My workout
New all-time squat record and my #oldschoolbloodandgutsmalestripper workout
Today our lifters hit some upper body based movements.  Board presses against heavy bang tension.  Dips heavy for reps, KB shrugs, low rows, Lat raises, then a couple other optional stuff was on the menu.  Am really happy with everyone's progress.  Nova especially.  He had improved in a lot of areas as well as been […]

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