“Passion” by Derek
" Of course, passion has all kinds of meanings and connotations, but we are focused here on a passion for whatever you endeavor to do. “There is no passion to be found playing small; in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” — Nelson Mandela Passion is […]
Back to some training logs and activating
Ok since it took me forever to write the last log, I will try to fill in here and there with what has been going on. I will get back to adding normal boring training information back in. I took a large step back training wise. Usually, it still involved doing what I considered medium […]
Two weeks out from the NOV Meet with Wendler and Rhodes. The weight is getting heavier and the work is getting done.
Today I had a class from 8-9am. Was a good group of clients. Our powerlifting squad hit some heavy bench press against bands. Everyone from what I was told did great. Nova has been steadily getting strong as hell. His metal gear single ply stuff should be in the next few days. This will allow […]
Thursday=Happy Thanksgving to everyone
Today I had a grou from 9-10am. It consisted of athletes from 9yrs old to weekend warriors around 70yrs old and everyone in between. We had a deadlift party with all them (timed method) and hit a lot of full body based movements. After the group I had a 1-1 and the wrestlers brother joined […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some bamboo bar crazy bell press along with a bunch of other upper body based movements. Busy couple days ahead of me with thanksgiving and the weekend. I went in after lunch to do some triceps, biceps and abs real quick just a few sets nothing major. Good to […]
Powerlifting is truly a subculture of the bigger world of all things weights. Within that subculture of powerlifting is yet another subculture and that is the hard core powerlifter. Zoom in yet another level and you have arguably the tiniest of subcultures, and that is the hard core woman’s powerlifting subculture.
What the Iron Ferret taught me about powerlifting
This is where as a coach/handler, you just let it ride, and find out just how deep the well goes that day.
I’m about to blow stuff up!
As I sat down to write my Coaching Log just now, I saw this question on the Q&A and thought it needed to be an article, not just a Q&A answer
Training and three world class bench PR's, this week!
Great workout for me BUT nothing like the excitement of my clients world-class bench press PR's
I enjoy reading and listening to what everyone is thankful for on this holiday. I love to hear how people feel about family, work, training, and interactions. Success in goal achievements and world records. I am particularly thankful for my last breath and the next one I get to take. You see.. my last breath […]
Found some of what I was looking for and the Gift
Been on the go for a couple weeks now so I won't really even try to post any training shit. That is really okay as the title says, i was boldly going where no man has gone before, scratch that, plenty of people have been there. It was more like Frodo and Bilbo at the […]
Sponsored Media Ads Drive Me Insane!
INSANE advertising all over the damn page. Then you have to click "NEXT PAGE" after every paragraph and wait for the page to cache all the ads, again and again. Sometimes it will refresh itself if you don't read fast enough.
Stick around a little while and you will see the shooting stars of the sport come and go. These are the lifters who go big, win big and burn out even bigger. Stick around for a little while longer in the sport and you will see the shooting stars come and go, over and over and over again. They just