Thursday Nov 10
Today our lifters hit some high rep (8's) deadlifts and other lower body movements to compliment their training session. The morn group is great with the 4 lifters pushing each other. It is great to see everyone work hard together. After Andrew competes at his meet in a week we will be getting him and […]
Tuesday nov 8th
Todsy our Powerlifting Squad hit some upper body rep work. All reps were at 8 and most sets at 5. We hit a lot of presses and a lot of pulls to compliment each other. Today is Election Day nationwide. I am going to vote in a few minutes and hope whoever wins our country […]
Off-Season Football Training
Well, it's that time of year, again. Football season is not quite over, but I'm thinking about winter training. This is normal for me. I'd imagine it's normal for most strength coaches. We want the season to go on for as long as possible, but inevitably, it ends and we have to be ready for […]
Q&A: Training and Making Money in Powerlifting
A brief story about how my training has evolved over the years, and about how I earn a living through the sport.
The Later I Stay Up The Funnier Things Become
My early gym time is a concern for my son who truly wants to train with me. Unfortunately, 0400 and a 10 year old rarely meet. Something about sleeping and growing. Anyway, Hunter is a pleaser. He never wants to disappoint either his Mom or me. So, when I told April when she asked why […]
On November 4th, we posted the article, Senator, You're No Jack Kennedy — Don't Drop the Deadlift, and since then, we have received some really amazing emails affirming the premise of the article as well as for the article giving voice to this topic. Here is the video supplement to go with that original article. Only read the
Does Your Frame of Reference Suck?
By the time this gets posted Donald Trump may or may not be President of the United States. There is no doubt over the past year he has said some dumb shit. Even his most avid supports would agree. There is one thing he said that I'd like to bring attention to.
Stand Up When You Pee. Zip Your Pants From The Front
I care about the outcome of today. I have my favorite Presidential Candidate as well as local government officials. I have my opinions of Propositions and Proposals. I voted! I don't need to justify to ANYONE the reasons I chose the way I did. But I CHOSE and I will STAND BY those decisions. I […]
MONDAY Nov 7th
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit week 2 of the program. Still shitty and tough. Saw a lot of lifter today getting after it. The morn 6am group is solid now with (4) lifters, my group at 1115am is hit and miss depending on work schedules. Today is was myself, Aaron and Ryan. Aaron is making […]
Today our Powerlifting Squad hit an upper body session. Still pretty high reps. A lot of benching and back exercises. Was great to hear from our new lifter Marvion that she is loving/hating the routine we have our team on for the Arnold. She will be the best 132/148lb female lifter we have had on […]
Thursday nov 3
Today our lifters hit high reps lower body based session. We have a lot on board for the Arnold and the in house meet in March/April. Deads, good morn, rev-hypers, plate pushes and abs were all on the menu. I took the day off today from lifting. Yesterday is hit some DB mils, pulldowns and […]
11/1- Shoulder Saver Benching
At this point I'm really hoping that the Humira I was on caused muscle weakness, because otherwise I just suck.
NPC Midwest Gladiator Women's Physique Results
Impromptu show... Gladiator results and time for some powerlifting
Here We Go Again - Better Than Black Friday
Last year we started our "Better Than Black Friday" promotions as a way to make it easier for you to pick up the best products at our best prices. This year these promotions are back and scheduled throughout the month on select products or categories.
Rule #28, and The Wheezing Stops Here
For the record, Rule #28 in my "Book of Life Rules" states, Excuses are useless. During a day, I hear quite a few of them. I listen, but in the back of my head I am saying...If I accept one of these, it's as bad as me giving one. So I listen, and give a […]
Monday Training: Squat/Press
I took a few days off this weekend. Simply not in the mood to workout. Today I was feeling good. SSB Box Squat: 265x3/315x3/5x2@355 FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5/5x5@105 Side Raises (done with 5x5 sets): 5x15 T-Bar Row: 5x10 DB Shrugs (done with last 2 sets of squats): 2x25 Really good one, today.