Nate Harvey

A couple tweaks on a basic movement.

Wednesday and Thursday Training
Wednesday and Thursday Training
I had planned to lift at Wendler's this weekend.  Neither one of us were feeling it.  But, this is what I did in preparation for that. Wednesday: Deadlift Deadlift: 245x5/295x5/335x5/245x10 Dips w/45lbs: 5x10 T-Bar: 5x10 Thursday: Bench FBB Bench: 245x5/265x5/285x7/245x10 Pull-ups: w/45 lbs: 5x5 RFESS: 5x5 each
Oct Training - Week 4
Oct Training - Week 4
Taking the kids trick or treating tonight. Built my son a coffin for his vampire needs. Extremely not comfortable building my son a life size coffin but I just kept telling myself it's just for Halloween!   Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 1x4, 4x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea […]
Oct Training - Week 3
Oct Training - Week 3
Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 1x4, 4x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat(SSB) - 1x5, 3x4, 2x3 Straight Bar Row - 5x12 SL RDL - 4x6ea Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12  
Oct Training - Week 2
Oct Training - Week 2
Still garage training since I don't like being in a gym right now, hence the lack of different exercises though I usually do my training 3-4 weeks in a row.   Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 3x4, 2x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat(SSB) - 3x5, […]
Oct. Training - Week 1
Oct. Training - Week 1
So, not trying to make this log hard to follow; not that anyone follows anymore. Just get busy with work and I really have no other excuse other family...which is my top priority.   Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 3x4, 2x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 […]
Dave Tate Teaches The Box Squat (2000 Throwback)
Dave Tate Teaches The Box Squat (2000 Throwback)
How to teach the squat using a box.
Powerbuilding: Week 1
Powerbuilding: Week 1
Week 1 of my "powerbuilding" offseason is off to a great start!
Group training complilation
Group training complilation
A look at GF in action
Some people like to be busy, I'm not one of them
Training Updated
Training Updated
Back to "normal" training!
Tuggin' With Rob Hall (VIDEO)
Tuggin' With Rob Hall (VIDEO)
Training deadlift and back with the squad at Big Tex Gym.
10/27- Accessory work and an update on my ongoing medical drama, with a possible solution
10/27- Accessory work and an update on my ongoing medical drama, with a ...
I have to admit that this whole experience has been so depressing that I had thoughts that I would never compete again as my body seemed to be deteriorating. Now I have renewed hope.
Do These Shorts Make My Ass Look Big?  No! My BIG Ass Makes My Shorts Look Too Small!
Do These Shorts Make My Ass Look Big? No! My BIG Ass Makes My Shorts Lo...
Max Effort Floor Press:  Added an additional five pounds to start just to have that going for us.  Then we worked it up (not counting the five) to our 50% or dynamic weight while doing 5 reps. At that we dropped the reps to three and continued up by adding a chain to each side […]
Today was our last day for our lifters taking off before we start up next week.  I am looking to bring a great team to the Arnold this year.   Over the last couple years we have had to make some changes and let some people go and bring some people in.  At the end […]
You Guys Are Like Family To Me. My Dysfunctional Family
You Guys Are Like Family To Me. My Dysfunctional Family
It's the same.  Every day starts out similarly.  My eyes open at 0300 and I will immediately pop out of bed.  A delay would be a catastrophe.  I'm quite sure I could sleep through my morning nap. But I have places to go, and people to improve. I often think to that Nike commercial that […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad was off with the excretion of a few who didn't do the meet last sat.  The ones that lifting did their own thing. We start next mon in prep for the Arnold.  Looking to bring a great team and compete witht the best. I hit some deadlift and leg presses yesterday […]
Don't You Think This PR SH*T Done Got Out Of Hand
Don't You Think This PR SH*T Done Got Out Of Hand
Enough with all the stupid PR's already. Can we please get back to training?
“No, You’re Right.” Said No Woman Ever.
“No, You’re Right.” Said No Woman Ever.
Hey!  Yesterday I said I was bored.  Yea, I was bored.  Nothing exciting to say or write so I'm not going to waste your time with "filler". I appreciate how a few "friends" were rounding up the wagons and offering me words of encouragement.  That was nice of you.  BUT...I'm the last person that needs […]

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