But that looks boring and I never see that stuff in the highlight clips…. So how is that going to get me strong(er)??? Don't confuse highlights with work when it comes to putting together your training program.
Nothing but some accessory work and Conditioning. Prowler: 12x20 yards My son, Al and I whipped through these pretty darn fast. Mag Bar (4 of them) Lat Pulldown: 2x15x170 Chest Supported Row: I used a bench set up and the American Bar set up. 4 sets of 8 x 135 plus two […]
5 Upper Body Exercises You Should Use
Here are 5 movements for you to give a shot- pulled from our Exercise Index.
Today our lifter were off again. Really hope they are taking advantage of some rest/recovery from a long training session. We are planning a team meeting in a couple weeks to line up travel plans for the Arnold. Thinking we will have around 20 traveling with us. I went in at lunch and hit some […]
Monday oct 24
Today was a slow day as our lifters were off due to testing out last week or doing the meet sat. We will resume next mon oct 29th and push forward to our next team meet at the Arnold. I am hoping to bring a great crew to this meet this year and do even […]
Oh! I Understand! Loud and Clear!!!
"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life." […]
Quest for Victory
Ben is a doctoral student at the University of Texas studying and teaching about the history of strength and fitness. He's also a competitive raw powerlifter, ranked #3 all-time in the 198-pound class, and #4 in the 181-pound class. Ben is training to move up in weight and in the rankings!
Friday and Monday Training
A little catch up, here. Tuesday I did a bodyweight/conditioning circuit. Felt really good. Wednesday I hit the bike for 30 minutes. Friday Deadlift: 235x5/285x5/325x5/235x10 Pull-ups: 5x6 Dips: 5x10 FBB Bench: 235x5/255x5/275x8/235x13 GHR: 5x10 Farmer's Walk : 5 trips Sunday Conditioning: Bike 5 miles in 14.54 (10 seconds off my best), 6 miles in 17.59, […]
I Like To Play The Fall Asleep Card In Awkward Situations. Benefits Of ...
I enjoy the fact that I am now responsible for my son's "Dry land" training. We do a team workout after the two practices during the week, and I get to lead their warm ups Pre Game. The Pre Game warm ups allows me to crawl inside their nine and ten year old heads and […]
Friday October 21
Today our lifters were off due to the meet Tomorow. I had classes and a 1-1 in a great part of STL. Between this I had to set up for the meet. I snuck in a quick lift. I hit some heavy box squats on the belt squat machine. Have a busy weekend but looking […]
A solution to not wanting to do assistance, or at least a compromise.
5 Things to Do on a Glute Ham Raise Bench Besides GHR’s
If you are only using the bench for GHR’s, you are missing out on a lot of progress.
Here are 5 killer accessory exercises to get you strong(er) and jacked(er).
Friday…My Second Favorite “F” Word!
I am never one to mix words. I like direct approaches and not wasting another person's time. I've become transparent as I can over the years. Have a question? ASK! I answer the questions as direct as I can without a lot of extra. What I find hard to deal with are in today's age […]
Tuesday Training: Squat/Press
I got in a bodyweight circuit and a conditioning day over the weekend. Monday lift wasn't happening - job got in the way. Got it done on Tuesday. SSB Box Squat: 255x5/305x5/345x5/255x5 Dips w/45lbs: 5x5 T-Bar: 5x10 FBB Press: 105x5/125x5/145x5/105x10 GHR: 5x10 GHR Sit-ups: 5x10 My back was really tight after squatting so I opted […]