If you had asked me this question over the past decade I would have told you no way!
Full Disclosure: I Don’t Actually Know The Back Of My Hand All That Well.
I absolutely LOVE this intro during the movie "Inglorious Basterds" "My name is Lt. Aldo Raine and I'm putting together a special team, and I need me eight soldiers. Eight Jewish-American soldiers. Now, y'all might've heard rumors about the armada happening soon. Well, we'll be leaving a little earlier. We're gonna be dropped into France, […]
Thursday October 20
Today our Powerlifitng Squad is off in prep for sat meet. We have a few lifters not competing hoping to test them tomorrow to see where everyone is at. I was stupid busy yesterday and extremely tired from the meds. I only managed to get in some rev grip pulldowns. I can't beat myself up […]
Today our lifters were off as it is meet week. I saw some of them in the gym doing some light barbell movements and stretching. One of our PD guys isn't doing the meet until the Arnold and is lifting still and making great strides while getting more healthy and mobile. He was doing his […]
Curls, Hugs, and Kisses and Thanks to the Barbell Brigade in L.A. Califo...
After two days of carnage, I needed to give the troops a reprieve. Therefore I went ahead and scheduled an "active recovery" day. Light weight Prowler was top on the list. 10x40 yards to get the blood to wash out the bye products of yesterday's leg assault. Then time for some Combat Chassis focus. Knees […]
What Makes You Happy?
What makes you happy? That's a tougher question to answer than it is to ask. Try it on someone. If they are unsure, what does that say? What if they don't have an answer? Now for the kicker...if the thing(s) that make you happy are true, then why don't we invest more time into those […]
9 years of of meets on Powerliftingwatch
I thought I'd post something cool that the powerliftingwatch site does that I didn't realize until recently.
Monday oct 17
Today our lifter took it easy as it is meet week. Just some light stuff and cardio if they need it. Everything for the meet is falling in place. Looking forward to our first IPA Powerlifitng meet. If you are in the STL area come by and check us out. I did some deads from […]
Experience Is What You Get When You Didn't Get What You Wanted
There are those days that you have to say..."FUCK IT", and then just go for it. I get it, that it's Monday! I get it, that you didn't have enough weekend! I get it, that you have gotten to the end of your rope living a life of meaningless mediocrity! I get it that you […]
Orlando Barbell APF Southern States Roster
I hope your training has gone well and you'll be taking the rest of the week off to rest up for the meet this weekend.
This is the part of dieting I really hate, but it's part of the process
As we have said many times before, in powerlifting there is more than one way to skin a cat. In this coaching log we show you TWO WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR DEADLIFT LOCKOUT.
This is the heavy 5/3/1 pro's week and week 9 of training healthy. Good times.
What's Next: Week 1 "post show"
First week of training "post show"... getting caught up on lifting and life
If You Tell The Truth You Never Have To Remember Anything
Saturday is set aside for Hunter and I to train together. Because he's 10 years old, the set up is a bit different. We also need to consider the rest of his day which consists among other things a hockey game this evening. There is a lot of baloney about kids and resting before a […]
10/10- Back and Bis and surviving Hurricane Matthew
Other than losing a couple small limbs in one of our trees the power stayed on and we had no damage.