Observing Your Athletes
Today was an excellent teaching day for me. We had softball in at 8am. Here's the back story. Tuesday is their off-day during fall ball. The last 3 weekends they've played games. Three the first weekend, three the second and four this past weekend. Needless to say, Mondays are a rough go for these girls because […]
Monday Training: Squat/Press
The deload week was a tremendous success. I feel really good. SSB Box Squat: 245x5/295x5/335x5/245x10 Dips w/45lbs: 5x5 Pull-ups w/45lbs: 5x5 FBB Press: 95x5/115x5/135x5/95x20 Rest pause set RDL: 5x5@185 GHR Sit-ups: 5x10 This circuit was done with a 30lb weighted vest
10/10 Upper
Sunday 2 mile fast walk, Monday 20 mins treadmill Upper Oblique work with light band 5x8 per side Wide MAG handle 8x8 Supinating handle pull(think arnold press only a pull down) 6x10 Back raise band rear delt 5x10 Band curls various styles off standing curl pad Bench with mini bands 8x5 Assisted dips off […]
Sometimes I Like It When I Get The "Silent Treatment" : )
Saturday's a a low key everyone have at it day. I run ONE session and it's mostly for my son's benefit. He said a while ago that it was OK for others to train in his time. I let that get away and decided it was more important for HE and I to train together. […]
In All My Relationships, I Make Sure I'm The Crazy One
Reminder, in my gym, regardless of their weight, ALL bars weigh 45 pounds. So figure it in if you want the true weight. Note, Here you see Eunice with 250 pounds. That's assuming her bar is 45 pounds. But it's the Texas Squat Bar: https://www.elitefts.com/texas-squat-bar.html Today's workout: Hex Bar Dead Lifts https://www.elitefts.com/rackable-trap-bar.html Work up to 405 […]
10/3 to 10/7 Jeepers Creepers abs
Monday 20 mins treadmill, Tuesday 2 laps prowler, Wednesday nothing-at all, Friday 20 mins treadmil Had a Pet Scan Wednesday for the 3 month checkup. No results yet but killed the whole day being radioactive. So my weight is holding about 220 right now with some abs showing. I mess with the wife sometimes flashing […]
What Do Hockey Goalies and Lifters Have in Common?
Murph is the founder and owner of Total Performance Sports. Follow as he preps his athletes for the Women’s Open Pro Am, the RPS New Hampshire & Vermont State Championships, the APF Nationals, and more!
The Fastest Way To Grab Someones Attention Is To No Longer Want It.
Escalating Prowler Density: 2x40 yards x Frame 2x40yards x Frame +50 lbs. 2x40 yards x Frame +90 lbs. 2x 40 yards x Frame + 140 lbs 2x40 yards x Frame + 180 lbs. Dynamic Bench: 8x3x225 Over Head Press: 8x3x145
A Strength Coach's Life Mid-Football Season
It's week 6 for us. That means Basketball has started regular practices. Being in charge of Football and Basketball (and Volleyball) means everyone's stress levels are at an all-time high. Football still has a chance to compete for a conference championship even though we've started poorly. Volleyball is a in a similar boat, but that […]
Deload Week
My body is feeling beat up. I don't sleep enough and I don't eat consistently. Instead of powering through and losing motivation I opted for a deload week. It actually works out well. Starting next week I'll have 6 weeks until Thanksgiving break. So, I'll get in a nice 6 week cycle, rest over break […]
Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some squats full comp set up for triples. They did 2 sets. Afterwards they complimented their session with some rack pulls wearing the zercher harness, leg curls, and some static holds for the back/erectors. Yesterday is hit some abs heavy, KB low rows, bench press. All felt ok nothing to […]
Today our lifters hit our normal upper body warm up and some mobility work. After this they headed over to do speed bench against bands. Chest supported rows, DB inclines, J-pulls, curls and abs followed this training session. Overall has been a great couple days of training. All doing the meet are looking great. After […]
9/30- Upper Accessory (Back and Bis) and some more variety with the OBB ...
We'll be hunkering down for hurricane Matthew over the next couple of days. This looks it's going to be a rough one.
If You Fail Often On First Attempts...Sky Diving Should Be Avoided
I was talking with some of my early morning participant about technology and stuff, when one announced that I was on Instant gram. To which I replied..."WHAT? Nooooo... I don't know how. I mean I didn't sign up for anything nor do I have a camera phone". They said..."No coach, you have people already 'following' […]
NPC Indy Grand Prix: The stories
Julia Ladewski, CSCS, is a coach to strength athletes: powerlifters, physique competitors, and crossfitters, as well as recreational lifters and those seeking body transformation through muscle-building and fat loss. She takes pride in helping people from all walks of life to see and reach their full potential. She recently competed at the NPC Indy Grand Prix where she placed first