If You Don't Have an Ugly Friend...You're The Ugly Friend
The other day was what I think is the last of the heat for us. At a blistering 103 degrees I was uncomfortable with a full beard. I wanted to shave but understand I am no slave to what is "fashionable". Never have been, never will be. I don't give a hoot if the beard […]
Sept Training - Week 4
Day 1 Bench - 3x6, 3x4 Seated Row - 5x10 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea Day 2 Squat - 3x5, 3x4 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12 I know this crap is boring. I find it boring. I wish i had more for you […]
Sept. Training - Week 3
Day 1 Bench - 3x6, 3x4 Seated Row - 5x10 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea Day 2 Squat - 3x5, 3x4 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12
Sept Training - Week 2
Day 1 Bench - 3x6, 3x4 Seated Row - 5x10 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea Day 2 Squat - 6x5 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12 There really hasn't been a goal with my squat. Everytime I do it and it's been pretty light […]
Sept Training - Week 1
Day 1 Bench - 3x8, 3x6 Seated Row - 5x12 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea Day 2 Squat - 6x5 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12 I only have so many things in my garage so the exercise choice is somewhat limited. My goal […]
9/26 and 9/28
Tuesday 3 plate sled drag for 2.5 laps and 20 mins treadmill 9/26 Upper Smith machine slight incline 5x12 Assisted dips 6x12 Long strap abs heavy 6x10 Rope one arm kickbacks and concentration curls manyx12 per arm Some Dave Tate smith machine push ups for failure on each ladder rung. Used light band around back. […]
SH*T, Suck, Good, Great Programs
To go from shit to suck is a big step because that means you've got to commit to something- which most people haven't done or are not able to do. They're not really able to go all in.
Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday Training
Thursday Bike: 30 minutes Saturday The hotel had a serviceable recreation center so I got in a pre-breakfast bodyweight circuit. Treadmill: 10 minutes Push-ups: 5x10 Pull-ups: 5x5 RFESS 5x5 each Sunday Bike: 20 minutes Monday SSB Box Squat: 275x5/305x5/335x5/275x10 Dips: 5x10 T-Bar Row: 5x10 Press: 115x5/135x5/155x5/115x10 RDL: 5x5@275 Hanging Leg Raises: 5x10 Smashed in another […]